HomeArticles Posted by Bianca Piazza

Author: Bianca Piazza

Bianca Piazza is a film geek and writer who obsesses over extreme horror films, intelligent twist endings, LGBTQ content, and really any indie flick making noise on Twitter. Creepy-cute is her aesthetic and when she’s not boring someone with her film knowledge, she’s likely boring someone with her makeup industry knowledge. She tries not to be too pretentious. Give her a follow on Twitter where no one listens to her pop culture opinions: @biancamiss_


Our favorite on-again, off-again director, M. Night Shyamalan, has added a new instalment to the surprise Unbreakable series. After 2016’s Split revealed a twist ending that connected to

'Suspiria' – the 1977 horror (or giallo) film by Italian director Dario Argento – is about unleash its bloody fury on unsuspecting cinema audiences. The seminal masterpiece has