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How to prevent rust for powder metallurgy products?



Nowadays powder metallurgy gears are more and more widely used, compared with steel materials, it is easier to produce rust, in the production and storage and transportation process, if the product produces rust, rust removal is very difficult. Therefore, we must pay attention to rust prevention when using, below China MIM introduce several methods of rust prevention of powder metallurgy gears:



First, powder metallurgy gear machining process rust prevention measures


1, mechanical processing, normal processing, the iron-based powder metallurgy gears do not do other rust prevention measures. In the production process, arrange the production schedule to reduce the turnaround time of the product in the production line.


2, production line workers are not allowed to use their hands to directly contact the iron-based powder metallurgy gears, must wear hanging rubber gloves. Otherwise, their hands will sweat when they work and directly touch the products, which will lead to rusting of the products and failure of rust prevention.


3, in the grinding or drilling process, if you must use grinding fluid or coolant, do not use conventional emulsified oil and water as grinding fluid or coolant (antirust cycle is only 2 days), the use of antirust water as a grinding fluid or coolant, that is, the economy, but also to play a role in rust prevention.


Second, powder metallurgy gear finished packaging surface spraying powder metallurgy rust prevention oil


After the production of powder metallurgy gears, in order to prevent the gears from rusting during storage and transportation, usually before packing the gears, we have to spray a certain amount of powder metallurgy antirust oil on the surface in order to prevent the gears from rusting. After spraying powder metallurgy anti-rust oil, if it has been in a sealed state, it will not rust for one or two years, and in the packing carton, outside the product, set a layer of large plastic bags, packaging and sealing, to achieve the purpose of isolating the air.


Third, powder metallurgy gear blackening treatment


Blackening treatment is generally used in powder metallurgy pulleys more, blackening is a common means of chemical surface treatment, the principle is to produce a layer of oxidized film on the surface of the metal to isolate the air, to achieve the purpose of rust prevention. Appearance requirements are not high when you can use blackening treatment. In addition, the environment of the powder metallurgy gear warehouse must be dry, ventilated, and also dustproof. Adopting reasonable inventory to reduce product backlog and accelerate product turnover is also an important anti-rust measure.



Reasons for plating of powder metallurgy products


Electroplating of powder metallurgy parts has long been a problem in the industry, and now chemical nickel plating can successfully solve the problem of electroplating of powder metallurgy parts. Most of the powder metallurgy parts will have pores, so it is more difficult to plating, and because of the pores of the powder metallurgy parts, when the powder metallurgy parts corrosion tends to start from the inside and expand to the surface, and can not achieve the expected results.


The reasons why powder metallurgy products need plating:


1, for the powder metallurgy parts used in specific occasions, when there are both beautiful and good corrosion resistance requirements, generally on the surface of the powder metallurgy parts plating a layer of corrosion-resistant metal to meet such requirements.


2, powder metallurgy products plating is for rust prevention and aesthetic, but due to the porous nature of powder metallurgy products, such as the need for plating, you must find a professional powder metallurgy sealing manufacturers, and then look for powder metallurgy plating manufacturers. Generally these two manufacturers will not do together. Of course, you can also entrust the powder metallurgy manufacturers directly get it done.


3, the choice of powder metallurgy plating process to try to avoid the use of solutions containing strong corrosive or corrosion-promoting media, such as avoiding chlorine ions and other substances within the solution. To fill the hole must be filled before baking at high temperature to remove fumes, which can remove the oil retained in the hole to help sealant into and combined, after removing all the oil can be dipped in resin closed, vacuum filling effect is better than simple immersion.


The formation of powder metallurgy plating process is mainly because the powder metallurgy parts are pressed and sintered using metal powder, so it contains oil and grease and loose porous, which requires plating, in the process of powder metallurgy plating, various solutions will enter the pores so that the quality of plating layer is greatly affected.


Harber Industrial was established in 2014 and has since become a reliable supplier of powdered injection molding products, specializing in custom-engineered metal injection molding (MIM) components for various industries worldwide. MIM is an innovative powder metallurgy technology that allows for the mass production of both simple and complex-shaped mim metal parts with consistent quality. Harber has been a pioneer in manufacturing steel parts using metal injection molding and remains at the forefront of MIM technologies. Our team consists of skilled professionals including metallurgists, designers, engineers, technicians, toolmakers, and assembly members who are dedicated to delivering advanced engineering and production capabilities. We have served customers from Europe, Canada, the United States, Russia, Japan, and our native partners in China. With our expertise in MIM, Harber is privileged to be your partner in the research and production of your sintered parts.


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