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PEACE Award to Film Director William Bond

The PEACE Foundation ceremony in 2023 will happen in Taipei  Taiwan . The world leaders gather on behalf of PEACE foundation. Delegates from 17 country gather and discuss about progress in PEACE foundation. It’s the fifth anniversary that will happen in Taipei. 

This year PEACE award goes to film Director William Bond who made the film “ Digital Republic “ a film shows a potential solution to refugees crisis all over the world . As the president of the PEACE committee Mr. Chanasnun Kajornphuwapong after watching this film take the decision to give PEACE award to William Bond , “ the world is spending billions of dollars and numerous meeting with experts to end the refugee crises but William bond through this film given an extraordinary solution, I am impressed with his knowledge and his research and invention “ Chanasnun Kajornphuwapong 

 PEACE award carry a 100,000 USD cash  reward that goes to William Bond. 

The decision was taken by the PEACE foundation founding committee members Chanasnun Kajornphuwapong, CS Tee, CJ Huang, Ganesh Ambike, Armen Arzumanyan, Micheal Heng

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  • good job sir such a great moment

    October 15, 2023

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