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Animals have a way of expressing human thoughts & emotions better than humans themselves. Here are some funny animal memes to put a smile on your face.

Animal memes: These funny creatures will brighten up your day

Take a moment to ignore all those pesky work deadlines or annoying Karens. Push all of the surging political chaos aside. Step away from it all for a bit and prepare to be charmed by these funny animal memes.

We truly believe that animals have a way of expressing human thoughts & emotions better than humans themselves. We’ll be endlessly entertained trying to figure out what’s going on inside their furry little heads. Not to mention– they’re truly adorable & hilarious with their faces alone. Here are some funny animal memes to put a smile on your face.   

Tiny tiger

Are you going to be the one to break it to this little one? Poor thing – don’t shatter the dreams of aspiring kittens.

Cat royalty

Ah, yes, subservient human. Cower before me and witness my excellence. Cats really act like they own us – don’t they?

Target doggie

Just look at this guy’s face! But honestly – who isn’t enchanted by the wonders of Target. This dog knows what’s up. 

Master waterbender

Who knew magic squirrels were a part of the Avatar: The Last Airbender world. This squirrel is clearly very gifted in the art of water bending. Maybe there should be a spin-off series following this guy. 

Your opinion sucks! 😝

Definitely using this meme the next time we disagree with someone. It’s such a cute way to say “you’re wrong!” 

My dog ate my homework

Well if you’re offering – please fulfill your role as the cliqued homework excuse! 

Who’s right? Me! That’s right.

Boy does this little lamb know how it feels to say “I told you so.” Such swagger. 

Owl mischief 

The instigator is always the one wanting entertainment for drama. Let the drama ensue – but also we want no part in it. See ya!


No! Give our cat back! We’ll exchange our kitty for free-access to our trash cans.


Sweet deal seal

Look at this seal’s face – is this not the perfect expression for sweet release? 

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