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Looking for the best movies about Thanksgiving to enjoy during the holidays? Look no further than our list and pass the gravy!

The weather’s warming up and we’re ready for a staycation in the sun. Check out the best UK beaches to visit this year.

Need some Christmas magic as we head into the month of the May? Get your best Santa laugh out with these Christmas memes.

Finding a place to stay is one of the most difficult aspects of arranging a holiday. Check out these hotel booking sites here.

The world is oversaturated in December with thoughts of Christmas, so Hanukkah often gets overlooked. If you're wondering what is Hanukkah, read here.

Christmas is a time for cheer, but cynicism persists. Here are the best dark humor memes for the holidays.

The holiday season has arrived! Here’s a primer on the history of the first Thanksgiving in the United States.

Looking forward to celebrating New Year’s Eve 2020 in grand style? Well, forget it. The coronavirus pandemic shut down beloved Times Square celebrations.

You know no matter if it’s Christmas Eve or 5 months before, some good Christmas memes can put you in a jolly mood for the rest of the