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Everything You Need to Know About Bonnie Comley: Power Women Award Winner

In the world we live in today, women have made significant strides in various fields, breaking barriers and shattering glass ceilings. Bonnie Comley is one such notable woman who has achieved exceptional success in the entertainment industry. Bonnie Comley, a remarkable woman in the entertainment industry, has achieved exceptional success and earned the prestigious Power Women Award for her contributions and accomplishments. This feature article explores Bonnie Comley’s life, career, and the reasons behind her well-deserved recognition. From her early years to her groundbreaking work in theater production and her philanthropic endeavors, Bonnie Comley’s story is one of determination, innovation, and a commitment to making theater accessible to all.

Early Life and Passion for the Theatrical Arts

From an early age, Bonnie Comley developed a deep passion for the performing arts and storytelling. She pursued her education at UMass Manning School of Business, where she earned a Bachelor of Science in Economics and a Masters From Emerson College before entering Columbia Business School —Comley’s formative years provided a strong foundation for her future endeavors in the entertainment industry.

Acting & Producing: A Journey to Success

Bonnie Comley received a business degree, then a journalism and television production degree, but the opportunities came first on stage and tv. Comley became a reporter, host, and writer for NightlifeTV on The Travel Channel. Her agent provided auditions, and Comley booked numerous commercials, soap operas, music videos, off-broadway, tv, and film work. Comley’s journey to success was marked by determination, hard work, and a relentless pursuit of her dreams. She began her career performing in various stage and tv productions but pivoted to behind the scenes, working as a producer and writer.


In 2013, she co-founded BroadwayHD, an innovative online platform that revolutionized the accessibility of live theater. BroadwayHD enables theater enthusiasts from around the world to experience the magic of Broadway and beyond. Through this groundbreaking initiative, Comley introduced the concept of  streaming Broadway shows online, allowing audiences to enjoy the thrill and artistry of these productions from the comfort of their own homes. This pioneering endeavor opened up new avenues for theater lovers and expanded the reach of Broadway to a global audience.

Bonnie Comley’s Significant Awards and Achievements:

  • Olivier Award
  • 2 Drama Desk Awards
  • 3 Tony Awards
  • 2022 The Ellis Island Medal of Honor
  • 2021 Best Silicon Valley Entrepreneur to Watch
  • 9 Telly Awards
  • W3 Award for her production
  • 2016 Guinness World Record for the First Live Stream of a Broadway Show
  • Outstanding Innovation; 2020 Global Business Excellence Award Outstanding Product/Service; Global Business Excellence Award
  • Keys to the City of New Orleans in 2022 by Mayor Latoya Cantrell for preserving and promoting live theater through streaming with BroadwayHD
  • Industry Leader; 2020 Cynopsis Women in Media Class
  • 2019 Woman of Achievement Award from the WP Theatre
  • The Actors Fund Medal of Honor • Award for Special Theatre Contribution from the Drama League
  • The Paul Newman Award from Arts Horizons
  • The Theater Museum Distinguished Service Award

Revolutionizing the Entertainment Industry

Bonnie Comley’s contributions to the entertainment industry are extensive and diverse. She has been a producer in numerous successful productions on and off Broadway. Her keen eye for talent and commitment to delivering exceptional performances have garnered critical acclaim and commercial success. Her well-honed understanding of the industry and her commitment to delivering exceptional performances have garnered critical acclaim and commercial success.

With the advent of BroadwayHD’s online streaming, she recognized the potential to bridge the gap between physical theater attendance and the desire for audiences to experience Broadway productions remotely. Through streaming BroadwayHD, viewers can access an extensive library of recorded live performances, including renowned Broadway shows, musicals, and plays, anytime and anywhere. The introduction of BroadwayHD has democratized the theater experience, making it accessible to a broader audience. It has provided an opportunity for individuals who may not have the means or opportunity to attend live performances to engage with the richness and diversity of Broadway. By removing geographical barriers, Comley has enabled theater enthusiasts worldwide to connect with the magic and power of live performances.

Comley’s dedication to preserving and promoting live theater has been instrumental in revitalizing the industry. Her work with BroadwayHD has not only made theater accessible to individuals who may not have the means or opportunity to attend live performances but has also played a significant role in preserving the legacy of theatrical productions for future generations. The platform has captured and preserved iconic performances, ensuring that they are not lost to time.

Philanthropy and Social Impact

Bonnie Comley is known for her philanthropic endeavors and commitment to social causes beyond her professional achievements. She is a longtime board member of The Drama League and currently serves as the President. She actively supports organizations such as The Entertainment Community Fund (she received The Actors Fund Medal of Honor in 2008), Broadway Cares/Equity Fights AIDS, The Theatre Museum, Central Park Conservancy, City Parks Foundation, and various charity events benefiting the arts and education. Comley believes in the transformative power of the arts and champions initiatives that promote arts education and support emerging artists. Her philanthropic efforts have made a tangible difference in the lives of many aspiring performers and creative individuals. Through her charitable work, she has contributed to the betterment of the arts community and society as a whole.

The Power Women Award and Legacy

In recognition of Bonnie Comley’s exceptional contributions to the entertainment industry and her dedication to making theater accessible to all, she was honored with the prestigious ‘Power Women Award’ in 2023. Schnep’s Media bestows The Power Women Award annually to acknowledge women who have demonstrated outstanding leadership, innovation, and a commitment to empowering others. The Power Women Award is a testament to Comley’s remarkable achievements and positive impact on the theater world. Her tenacity, vision, and unwavering commitment to the arts have set her apart as an influential figure and role model for aspiring professionals in the industry.

Concluding Remarks,

Bonnie Comley’s journey from successful actor to award-winning producer is a testament to her unwavering passion, hard work, and dedication. Her impact on the entertainment industry, particularly in the realm of making theater accessible through the creation of BroadwayHD, has reshaped the way people engage with live performances. Comley’s philanthropy and commitment to social causes further highlight her dedication to making a positive difference in the lives of others. The Power Women Award is a well-deserved recognition of her outstanding achievements and inspires future generations of women in the entertainment industry. Bonnie Comley’s story is a reminder that extraordinary accomplishments are within reach with passion, perseverance, and a commitment to one’s dreams. She has shown that women can thrive and make a lasting impact in traditionally male-dominated fields. Bonnie Comley’s legacy will continue to inspire and empower individuals to pursue their aspirations and redefine the boundaries of success.

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