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Social media is just the thing that they needed to reform the rules of advertising and competition.

How to start an Instagram business from scratch

Today, the competition between brands is huge, and businesses try to find new and quick ways to attract people. Social media is just the thing that they needed to reform the rules of advertising and competition. One has to outsmart all the rivals by creating a unique and effective strategy for growth on social media. Of course, getting 4o likes to start an Instagram growth is not too much, so you must constantly work on improving the methods for attracting new users and increasing their activity, producing more and more motion on your profile, and motivating people to buy. In this article, you will find helpful tips that will improve your results and secure stable further growth on Instagram for your business. 

Optimize Your Account

It is vital to make your profile quite easy to find for an interested audience. To do so, you need to work on your profile optimization. It means that by som2e actions you improve your visibility and discoverability on the platform. Here are the key points to pay attention to:

  • Profile image that has to display your brand. The obvious and probably best choice is a logo, but some brands go for regular updates of their profile picture with the latest campaigns for their products.
  • Account naming. The name that you give to your profile has to be keyword rich and memorable.
  • Instagram bio. Right below your profile picture, you will see a space for a brief verbal presentation of your brand. Use it wisely, enriching it with related keywords. 
  • Add links to your bio information. This tool will help you to redirect traffic to your blog or shopping site.
  • Contacts. This is a special tool that offers users a range of buttons that provide quick communication with the seller. You can add your phone, email, or other ways to contact you. 

Define The Audience

To make any promotion strategy work, you have to know for sure who is your target audience, their preferences, and pain points. These are the levers you will pull and push to reach your goals and make your tactic successful. Your aim is not the big number. The main thing to concentrate on is creating a loyal and active community because the activity is what triggers your rating on Instagram. So, you should research what your target group engages with the most, and use these methods for your growth. This job is done effectively by SMM specialists who can be hired to launch and refine your progress on Instagram. But it is always better when you have a clue about things yourself. 

Have A Schedule

Another significant factor that can make your growth much stronger and more stable is consistent posting. Appearing with new material more often will lead to an increase in attention to your profile. For example, each time you upload a new story on Instagram, the icon will reappear at the beginning of the line in users’ feeds. So, in spite of the content variety, you must develop a schedule that will help you to maintain engagement with the audience and will not harm your productivity. Many startups begin with a small team, so proper timing is important for growth and resource preservation. Use content calendars that are offered widely on the internet, to make this task easier to handle. 

Tell A Story

Presenting a brand on social media is so much more than just exposing the product. Today, to impress the audience and make some sales, you have to produce more content that is not directly selling, but which describes your brand values, inspirations, and purpose. Storytelling is a visual and verbal presentation of the idea that you want to implement your product in. You need to keep up a consistent story that will enhance your brand’s positive feedback and will motivate more users to choose your product over others. To make your account look more consistent in its story, maintain a singular style in all your posts and create branding materials that will serve as markers. 

Be attentive to your texts too, and use the possibility to write long captions that Instagram provides. Along with sales posts that are targeted at exposing your product, speak about your work process, inspiration, and what concerns you as a brand owner. Many modern businesses have authentic ideas and clear problems that they want to solve, so the wise choice would be to share that with the audience. 

Visual Accents

Instagram puts the main focus on visuals, so these have to be stunning, yet without unnecessary aplomb. Go for a more natural image that correlates with the main idea of your brand, and its esthetics, and also resonates with the modern way of life. More and more content makers leave heavy professional cameras behind and use mobile devices for creating exquisite materials. Here are some tips on taking good photos for you:

  • Use natural light as much as possible
  • Take experiments with angles, colors, and light sources
  • Acknowledge the rule of thirds and use the grid to stick to it
  • If you have time and budget, take some classes in mobile photography to improve your shots
  • Mix content types, to make your feed more dynamic.

Use All Types Of Content 

Instagram has a big range of content formats that can suffice even the tough crowd. On this platform, you can create a variety of content types for your brand and use different tools for each. These are the options you have:

  • Feed post. Here you can upload photos and videos up to the 1-minute length. This is the content format that fills your profile. Here you can post long-reads and provide basic information about your products. Also, you can create an online catalog of your items right on Instagram thanks to shopping options for businesses.
  • Story. The most popular kind of content can be found on Instagram. The highly engaging and productive format helps to entertain and communicate with your audience.
  • Reels. The video feature is similar to TikTok videos in function and purpose. Quite controversial among the community, but aggressively pushed by the platform.
  • Live Streaming. A good way to add variety to your content, meet the audience and improve your connection with them in real-time. 
  • IGTV. Video hosting where you can upload videos that are longer than 60 seconds.

Use Influencer Marketing

Influencer marketing for businesses means that brands exploit the popularity and authority of bloggers who have already gained the trust of their followers. By collaborating with influencers you can increase awareness and reputation of your brand, as well as attract more buyers who rely on the opinion of their favorite blogger. 

You can also gather useful information and get access to the new target group, as bloggers can provide their approximate results at your request. 

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