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Turnkey BHO Extraction: A Comprehensive Guide

If you’re looking for a turnkey solution for BHO extraction, you’ve come to the right place. This article will provide you with everything you need to know about turnkey BHO extraction systems, from what they are and how they work to the benefits of using them.

What is BHO Extraction?

BHO extraction, also known as butane hash oil extraction, is a process of extracting cannabinoids and terpenes from the cannabis plant using butane as a solvent. The end result is a highly concentrated form of cannabis oil that can be used for a variety of purposes, including smoking, vaping, and edibles.

What are Turnkey BHO Extraction Systems?

Turnkey BHO extraction systems are pre-assembled, fully functional systems designed for BHO extraction. They typically consist of a closed-loop extraction system, a butane recovery system, and a vacuum oven for purging the extracted oil of residual solvents.

How do Turnkey BHO Extraction Systems Work?

Turnkey BHO extraction systems use a closed-loop system to extract cannabinoids and terpenes from the cannabis plant. The system is designed to be as efficient as possible, minimizing the amount of butane required for the extraction process.

The butane recovery system is designed to recover as much butane as possible from the extraction process, reducing waste and maximizing efficiency. The vacuum oven is used to purge the extracted oil of residual solvents, ensuring that the final product is safe for consumption.

Benefits of Turnkey BHO Extraction Systems

There are several benefits to using a turnkey BHO extraction system, including:

Efficiency: Turnkey BHO extraction systems are designed to be as efficient as possible, minimizing waste and maximizing yield.

Consistency: Turnkey BHO extraction systems are designed to produce consistent results, ensuring that each batch of extracted oil is of the same quality.

Safety: Turnkey BHO extraction systems are designed with safety in mind, minimizing the risk of explosions or other accidents.

Choosing the Right Turnkey BHO Extraction System

When choosing a turnkey BHO extraction system, there are several factors to consider:

Size: The size of the system should be appropriate for your needs. If you only need to extract small amounts of oil, a smaller system may be more appropriate.

Quality: Look for a system that is made from high-quality materials and designed to last.

Efficiency: Look for a system that is designed to be as efficient as possible, minimizing waste and maximizing yield.

Factors to Consider When Using Turnkey BHO Extraction Systems

When using a turnkey BHO extraction system, there are several factors to consider to ensure that the process is safe and efficient:

Ventilation: The extraction process can release fumes and gases, so it’s important to have proper ventilation in the extraction room.

Equipment Maintenance: Regular maintenance of the extraction equipment is necessary to ensure that it is functioning properly and safely.

Safety Precautions: It’s important to follow proper safety precautions, such as wearing protective gear and working in a well-ventilated area.

Types of Extracted Cannabis Oil

BHO extraction can produce several types of extracted cannabis oil, including:

Shatter: A translucent, glass-like substance that is typically brittle and breaks easily.

Wax: A soft, opaque substance that has a texture similar to earwax.

Budder: A soft, malleable substance that has a texture similar to butter.

Other Extraction Methods

While turnkey BHO extraction systems are a popular choice for extracting cannabis oil, there are other methods that can be used, including:

CO2 extraction: This method uses carbon dioxide as a solvent to extract cannabinoids and terpenes from the cannabis plant.

Ethanol extraction: This method uses ethanol as a solvent to extract cannabinoids and terpenes from the cannabis plant.

Benefits of Using Extracted Cannabis Oil

Extracted cannabis oil has several benefits over traditional cannabis products, including:

Increased potency: Extracted cannabis oil is much more potent than traditional cannabis products, so it can be used in smaller amounts.

Versatility: Extracted cannabis oil can be used in a variety of ways, including smoking, vaping, and edibles.

Consistency: Extracted cannabis oil is consistent in terms of potency and quality, ensuring that each use provides the same effect.


Turnkey BHO extraction systems are a popular choice for those looking to extract cannabis oil safely and efficiently. By considering the factors discussed in this article, you can choose the right system for your needs and ensure that the extraction process is safe and efficient. Whether you’re using extracted cannabis oil for recreational or medicinal purposes, it provides several benefits over traditional cannabis products.


What is the difference between open-loop and closed-loop BHO extraction systems?

Open-loop systems are less expensive but are considered less safe due to the risk of explosion. Closed-loop systems are more expensive but are considered safer.

Is BHO extraction legal?

The legality of BHO extraction varies by state and country. It is important to research local laws and regulations before engaging in BHO extraction.

What is the best type of butane to use for BHO extraction?

High-purity butane is recommended for BHO extraction, as it produces a cleaner end product.

How long does the BHO extraction process take?

The length of the extraction process can vary depending on the size of the system and other factors, but typically takes several hours.

Can turnkey BHO extraction systems be customized?

Yes, turnkey BHO extraction systems can be customized to meet specific needs and requirements.

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