HomeArticles Posted by Molly Harris (Page 2)

Author: Molly Harris

Molly Harris is a riddle inside an enigma, wrapped in feminine wiles, and nestled in a soft, human skin suit with a blonde wig on top. She arrived to Chicago from the wild cornfields of Indiana and spends most of her time talking about science fiction and glitter and puns.


'Star Trek: Picard' was terrible. It was a mind-numbing slog that became more incomprehensible the longer it went on. Here's why.

'Money Heist' is the back-stabingest show on Netflix. We’ve assembled an elite cadre of questions – before part 5, how well do you know 'Money Heist'?

Got an appreciation for dramatic exterior shots and an eye for food design? Prove you're a Fannibal with our NBC's 'Hannibal' quiz.

Jamie Fraser from Starz's 'Outlander' is truly the ideal man. We had to make a list of our favorite hottest moments from 'Outlander'.

Every single character on 'Star Trek: Picard' is having a midlife crisis. Here's all the characters from 'Picard' and some of their many faults.

Ever felt the heartbreak of your favorite show getting cancelled? Here are some recent shows that just ended too soon.

The love shown in 'Hannibal' between Hannigram was beautiful, kind of complicated, and involved gifts of human body parts. Here are some quotes to live by.

Christmas is a time for cheer. Well, sometimes. Check out the best Christmas horror movies of all time!

Carrie Fisher is the focal point of a family dynasty. Check out our favorite films starring Fisher, Debbie Reynolds, and Billie Lourd.