The British Animated Film Festival aims to shine a light on talented animators and destigmatize animation as a medium. This is perfect for new animators.
Most film festivals cost you a hefty sum just to get rejected. The No Risk Fee Fest is trying to change the rules, not collecting money until you get picked.
Hollywood dreams are more than just film, and the Hollywood Dreams International Film Festival knows this. If you're not just a filmmaker, this is for you.
The New Voices Short Film Festival was made for new film makers. If you've been looking for a festival to show your debut picture, this is the festival for you.
The British Independent Film Festival has been focusing on giving British indie filmmakers a platform for over 10 years. Here's why this should be your next festival.
How do you like your films in the morning? The Sunny Side Up Film Festival is a perfect destination for film lovers. Here's why you'll want to get involved.