Gaming memes: All the best memes every gamer has to know
Gamers, rise up. Well, sit down – because you’re doing the right thing staying inside playing video games all day. With a plethora of great releases last year, you probably still have to catch up on. As well as some great games already in 2020, there’s plenty to be excited for in the world of gaming.
Whether you play console, PC, or mobile, prefer Nintendo, Sony, or Microsoft, you’re a gamer at heart. Now, to get your mind off of whatever crap your game is throwing at you, here’s a nice plethora of gaming memes to help you regain some health – or at least mental health.
Sorry, Mac – PC wins
Don’t even try to think a virtual machine will work the same way a PC laptop would for your game.
Wait, this is a real line?
Honestly half the dialogue from the Paper Mario franchise is a meme itself for its fourth wall breaks and constantly belittling of Luigi.
Who needs a social life anyway
Where’s the fun in gaming if you’re not playing something that is causing you to lose sleep since you can’t stop playing?
Stop it, Nintendo!
We’d want to uninstall too after dealing with another whole Animal Crossing worth of bad puns.
Safety first, fashion later
Who cares how ugly your avatar looks as long as you have max stats?
Evil, evil goose
Untitled Goose Game just lets you be an evil goose, what more can you want from a game?
Savages in Stardew Valley
You really can see Emily’s lack of interest coming out. She’s too busy hoping you’ll bring her her favorite type of onion.
Stop saying games cause violence
Games like Dungeons and Dragons were inspired by war planning simulations armies would use, and chess literally has knights in it.
What the heck, advertising department?
Even if the game is something super casual like solitaire, these ads try to make it look like you can somehow be a pro at solitaire.
Grand Theft Odyssey
Maybe Mario should get a E10+ rating for now on.