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Ayurvedic Treatment for Cervical Spondylosis: Does it Work?

Cervical spondylosis is a condition in which there occurs degeneration in bones, cartilage, or discs in the neck region. A person experiences stiffness, numbness, spasms, and headaches, in the cervical region of the spine.

According to Ayurveda, it is termed as Greeva graham. Greeva means the neck and graha imply stiffness. The vitiated Vata Dosha is responsible for Cervical Spondylosis. When the Vata is increased in the body, it depletes the body tissues which further leads to dryness and degeneration. As a result, the neck region is affected.

Causes of Cervical Spondylosis:

  • Food habits:Intake of dry, cold, processed, junk, and frozen foods increase the Vata. Improper timing of foods, and skipping meals affect the body and make the person prone to cervical spondylosis.
  • Lifestyle: Sedentary routine, incorrect posture, taking naps in the daytime, suppression of urges; these habits may develop cervical spondylosis. Smoking and substance abuse worsens the already existing condition.
  • Constipation:Impaired digestion is directly linked to cervical spondylosis. The accumulation of excess toxins (ama) present in the body is responsible for the imbalance of Vata Dosha.
  • Aging:With age, the degeneration of the bones, joints, and cartilage present in the cervical region of the vertebral column becomes a risk factor for cervical spondylosis.
  • Trauma/Injury:Any trauma or physical injury can cause deformity in the neck region, which may lead to this serious disorder. Bone spurs eruption is also one of the triggers for cervical spondylosis.

Ayurveda’s Role

Ayurvedic Treatment for Cervical Spondylosis:

Cervical Spondylosis Treatment in Ayurveda is a holistic way of healing. Ayurvedic treatment involves the consumption of herbs, spices, and dietary/ lifestyle changes. Additionally, yoga & meditation are encouraged to provide relief.

Ayurvedic Herbs for Cervical Spondylosis:

  1. Triphala: In Sanskrit, ‘tri’ means three, and ‘phala’ means fruits. Triphala is a combination of three herbs, Amalaki, Bibhitaki, and Haritaki, Acting as a purgative, it helps to eliminate excess toxins by smooth evacuation of the bowels. Constipation is the major cause of neck pain, so this herb becomes the most effective in decreasing pain.
  2. Guggulu: Guggul is known as ‘Pura’. It helps reduce the Ama- toxins present in the body because of its Ushna(hot) nature. Additionally, balancing Vata, this herb provides relief from stiffness, pain, and swelling.
  3. Turmeric: Curcumin is the compound present in turmeric that has anti-inflammatory properties. It is instilled with medicinal properties, which help in relieving the patients from the debilitating symptoms of cervical spondylosis. It helps in increasing the mobility of the neck by reducing stiffness.
  4. Ginger:Ginger is highly rich in nutrients and contains bioactive compounds which have high potency in treating cervical spondylosis. It has Vata pacifying, Bhedan (purgative),  Deepan (appetizer), and Guru ( heavy) properties which promote healthy functioning of the digestive system. Additionally, anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties help in reducing inflammation, pain, and stiffness.
  5. Ashwagandha: Ashwagandha is known as ‘Indian ginseng’. It is enriched with Withanolides and Withaferin which are active compounds helpful in relieving pain. It possesses anti-inflammatory, hemopoietic, and rejuvenating properties which are helpful in reducing the swelling & stiffness around the neck.
  6. Asafoetida (Hing): Hing is a popular Indian spice used for healing gastrointestinal problems. It has anti-viral, anti-spasmodic, and anti-inflammatory effects. As constipation is the major cause according to Ayurveda, chronic improper bowel movements can make the neck more painful and rigid. Hing thus facilitates better digestion and eases constipation.
  7. Rasonam:It is commonly referred to as Garlic. This herb is known to rejuvenate the bone and nerve tissues which helps with the Cervical Spondylosis Treatment in Ayurveda. It relieves spasms, pain, and inflammation which effectively manages the disorder.
  8. Gokhshura:It acts as a tonic for patients with cervical spondylosis. The pain-relieving properties wonderfully help patients in managing cervical spondylosis. It calms the body and soothes the nervous system helping in healing cervical spondylosis.
  9. Flax seeds (Alsi):Alsi, or flaxseeds, are a wonderful natural choice for enhancing immunity and bolstering muscular health.  Due to its antioxidant characteristics, it is regarded as a superfood. Flax seeds are a source of ‘Balya,’ or strength, according to Ayurveda. It is excellent for balancing the tridoshas.

How Cervical Spondylosis Ayurvedic Treatment provides relief?

Cervical Spondylosis Treatment in Ayurveda has no side effects as it is based on a purely natural approach. The herbs are derived from nature and are plant-based. Since the holistic approach aims to remove the root cause of the disease it gives long-term relief. Ayurvedic herbs and dietary/lifestyle changes provide immense relief to patients suffering from Cervical spondylosis.

Choosing Ayurvedic treatment will help in healing the body as Ayurveda believes every human body has its own Prakriti. So, the Ayurvedic ideology focuses to provide a personalized treatment that can heal the condition in the most effective and natural way! Adopt Ayurveda to live a happy, healthy, and disease-free life!

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