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Actor Tim Realbuto Remarkable transformation and dedication for “Bobcat Moretti”

Tim Realbuto, a versatile actor known for his exceptional performances in films and television series, has captivated audiences with his talent and dedication to his craft. With remarkable roles in projects such as “Bobcat Moretti,” “Yes”, “Werewolf Game” and “In Fidelity” among others, Realbuto is a rising star in the world of film and television.

In addition to his acting skills, Tim holds IMDb credits as a producer and writer, showcasing his diverse abilities in the entertainment industry. Fans can follow him on IMDb and Instagram for updates on his latest projects and behind-the-scenes glimpses into his creative journey.

In “Bobcat Moretti,” Realbuto stars alongside veteran actresses Vivica A. Fox and Taryn Manning, playing an obese multiple sclerosis patient who takes up his late father’s sport of boxing to overcome personal tragedy and find inner peace. The film was shot over ten months during the COVID-19 pandemic, allowing Realbuto the time to lose the weight and fully embody the role.

Few actors have put their bodies through as much for a role as Tim Realbuto, who lost 154 lbs for the film, breaking the previous record held by Christian Bale for his role in “The Machinist.” To achieve this transformation, Realbuto underwent lapband surgery and followed a strict training and dietary regimen under the guidance of coach Erik Potempa.

Realbuto worked out six times a week, focusing on boxing training, which he found helpful in getting into character. He offered advice to those looking to lose weight, emphasizing the importance of working out even on the hardest and most exhausting days. He suggested talking to a trainer when feeling down and avoiding unhealthy food choices.

During the filming of “Bobcat Moretti,” Realbuto adopted a mantra: “I am Bobcat Moretti. I am making this movie. I’m going to look good. And I can accomplish the impossible.” This helped him maintain focus and determination throughout the process.

To achieve his weight loss goal, Realbuto adhered to a strict diet, cutting out all unhealthy foods like soda, sugars, and cakes. He focused on grilled dishes and salads, and engaged in intense cardio workouts, including jumping jacks, planking, sit-ups, pushups, and boxing training. Although his initial goal was to lose 100 pounds, Realbuto ultimately exceeded this target, losing 154 pounds, a feat that continues to astonish him.

The film, directed by Rob Margolies, also features actors Matt Peters, Matt McCoy, Mindy Sterling, rapper Coolio, and Oscar-nominee Sally Kirkland. Margolies, known for his work on films such as “Lifelines,” “She Wants Me,” and “Roommate Wanted,” is also attached to several other projects with all-star casts, including “Man & Witch,” “Burning Girl,” “The Intimacy Coordinator,” and “The Home.”

Realbuto’s exceptional talent, dedication, and passion for his work have led to a rising career in film and television, earning him IMDb credits as a producer and writer as well. With his powerful transformation in “Bobcat Moretti,” Tim Realbuto is undoubtedly a force to be reckoned with in the entertainment industry.

Tim Realbuto is represented by Sovereign Talent Group and NY Creative Management, while GTK PR Agency, LLC serves as his publicist. With their support and his unwavering dedication to his work, Realbuto is undoubtedly a force to be reckoned with in the entertainment industry.

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