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Leaf in the Stream Films is pleased to announce the production wrap of their thriller, “Hell Hath No Fury.”

Leaf in the Stream Films is pleased to announce the production wrap of their thriller, “Hell Hath No Fury.” Under the direction of Rustam Vekilov and the creative vision of writer Dennis Wilder, this film promises to deliver a captivating and suspenseful cinematic experience.

The film features an exceptional cast, with Sharlene Rädlein as the enigmatic new employee, Lilli. Brooke Butler portrays Aidan’s wife, Emily, and Jaime Zevallos, Samba Schutte, Andrew Cereghino, Chelsi Stancil, and Lorenzo Antonucci add depth and complexity to the ensemble. Each actor brings their unique talents to the screen, further intensifying the story.

“Hell Hath No Fury” follows the harrowing journey of Aidan, a grief-stricken psychiatrist portrayed by Miles Crawford. Amidst his own personal tragedy of losing his newborn child, Aidan struggles to manage a residential facility. However, when one of his patients is brutally murdered and a mysterious new employee enters his life, Aidan’s world is thrown into disarray. Balancing the preservation of his marriage and the fight to prevent the facility’s closure, Aidan is confronted with unearthly circumstances that challenge his lack of faith. This thrilling narrative combines elements of psychological drama, horror, and supernatural elements, promising to keep audiences on the edge of their seats until the very end.

Edited by Stephen Grubel, “Hell Hath No Fury” has entered its initial stages of post-production. Grubel’s expertise in shaping the film’s pacing and suspense will ensure a cinematic experience for audiences.

Karbis Sarafyan and Andrew Pearce, the producers behind Leaf in the Stream Films, are excited to share this riveting thriller later this year.

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