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10 Essential Garage Door Maintenance Tips to Keep Your Door Running Smoothly | Genesis Garage Door

Your garage door is a significant part of your home that often goes overlooked until it starts causing issues. Regular maintenance can prolong the life of your door, reduce the need for expensive repairs, and enhance the security of your home. 

Here are ten crucial garage door maintenance tips from Genesis Garage Door, your trusted garage door service provider serving Georgetown, Austin Metro, and Killeen Metro in Texas.

  • Regular Inspection: Look for signs of wear and tear on the garage door cables, springs, rollers, and other components. Any damaged parts can lead to larger issues, even door failure.
  • Lubricate Moving Parts: Lubricating the moving parts of your garage door will not only reduce noise but will also extend their longevity. Use high-quality lubricant on rollers, hinges, and tracks.
  • Test the Door Balance: An unbalanced door can put unnecessary strain on the Garage Door Opener. To test it, disconnect the opener and manually lift the door halfway. If it doesn’t stay put, the door is not balanced, and you should call a professional.
  • Clear the Tracks: Make sure the tracks on both sides of the door are free from debris to prevent your door from getting stuck or falling off its tracks.
  • Test Safety Features: The auto-reversing feature and photo eye sensors are crucial safety components of your garage door system. Regularly check that these are functioning correctly.
  • Tighten Loose Hardware: Due to regular use, the hardware of your garage door can loosen over time. Make sure to tighten all brackets and bolts.
  • Inspect Weatherstripping: The rubber seal at the bottom of your door can crack or become brittle over time. Regularly inspect and replace it to keep your garage weatherproof and energy efficient.
  • Clean and Paint Your Garage Door: Besides improving your home’s curb appeal, a clean door is less likely to get damaged. When painting, choose quality exterior latex paint to protect your door from the elements.
  • Monitor the Door’s Operation: Pay attention to the operation of the garage door. Unusual noises, slow response time, or irregular movements could indicate a problem.
  • Schedule Professional Maintenance: Despite doing all the above, it’s crucial to have your door checked by a professional at least once a year. They can detect and rectify issues that are not apparent to the untrained eye.

By following these maintenance tips, you can keep your garage door running smoothly and reduce the need for costly repairs. However, if you detect any serious issues during your maintenance checks, it’s always best to call professionals, such as Genesis Garage Door. We specialize in garage door services and garage door repair across Georgetown, Austin Metro, and Killeen Metro.

Contact Us

Don’t let a poorly maintained garage door disrupt your daily routine or compromise your home’s security. Contact Genesis Garage Door today for all your garage door needs. With our top-notch services and expertise, we ensure your garage door functions optimally and seamlessly for years to come.

Call us today to schedule your Same-Day garage door repair at (737) 707-9920!


How often should I perform maintenance on my garage door?

Regular maintenance should be performed at least twice a year. However, certain elements such as the door balance and safety features should be checked more often.

Can I do all my garage door maintenance myself?

Basic maintenance like cleaning, lubricating, and visual inspections can be done by homeowners. However, tasks such as Garage Door Spring Repair and door balancing should be left to professionals due to safety concerns.

What signs might indicate that I need to call a professional for repairs?

Any unusual noises, slow response time, the door not fully opening or closing, or the door coming off the tracks are signs you should call a professional immediately.

Does professional maintenance extend the lifespan of my garage door?

Yes, professional maintenance can help detect and fix potential issues early, which in turn extends the lifespan of your garage door.

Why should I choose Genesis Garage Door for my maintenance and repair needs?

Genesis Garage Door has years of experience servicing homes in Georgetown, Austin, and Killeen, Texas. We offer professional, reliable, and efficient garage door services that cater to your specific needs.

What services does Genesis Garage Door provide besides garage door maintenance?

At Genesis Garage Door, we are a comprehensive garage door service provider. Besides garage door maintenance, we offer an extensive range of services including, but not limited to, garage door installation, garage door repairs, garage door opener installations, and garage door spring replacements. Essentially, if it has to do with a garage door, we’ve got you covered. We are committed to offering top-notch, reliable services for all your garage door needs in Georgetown, Austin Metro, and Killeen Metro in Texas.


Our Contact Information:

Genesis Garage Door

(737) 707-9920

1 Gabriels Bluff Dr 

Georgetown, TX 78626

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