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6 Best Akbar Birbal Moral Stories For Kids

We all know about Mughal emperor Akbar and Birbal. We have heard stories of Akbar and Birbal in our childhood. We learn many tricks of life from the stories of Akbar and Birbal. Talking about children, the story of Akbar and Birbal teaches them to move ahead in life and distinguish between right and wrong. It is said that Birbal was one of the nine gems of Emperor Akbar. Birbal’s cleverness was famous everywhere. His discussions were based on his intelligence, cleverness and finding solutions to every question.

Birbal was a prominent minister and advisor in the court of Akbar. If we discuss the birth of Birbal, he was born in a Brahmin family in 1528. Birbal’s real name was Mahesh Das. Birbal was famous throughout the world as a favorite advisor of Emperor Akbar. Today we are writing for you the best stories of Akbar and Birbal, from which you will definitely learn something and you will also like it. To read more moral stories like this visit story in hindi with moral page on zeromaster.

1. Birbal And The Ring Thief

Once upon a time, one day a court was organized in the palace. On the same day, King Akbar lost his ring in the full court. As soon as he came to know that my ring was lost, he asked the soldiers to search for it. Birbal was also present in the court. King Akbar told Birbal with a sad heart that this ring was given by his father. The ring was his father’s trust, he loved his father more. Hearing the king’s words, Birbal replied, “Sir, don’t worry, I will find the ring.” The king was happy to hear Birbal’s words. He had full faith in Birbal.

Birbal said to Akbar looking at all the people present in the court. Sir, the theft of the ring has been committed by one of these courtiers. The one with the straw stuck in his beard has the ring. The courtier who had the king’s ring was shocked and frightened and suddenly started looking carefully at his beard. Birbal saw his action and immediately ordered the soldiers to investigate the man. Birbal’s words turned out to be correct, the ring was with the same man. The king punished that man. Akbar was very happy after receiving the ring and thanked Birbal.

Moral of the story: We learn from this story that the truth of those who do wrong always comes to the fore.

2. Farmer Buying A Well

Once upon a time, a poor farmer once bought a well from a rich man. So that they can do farming on their land with the water from the well. The farmer paid the price quoted by the rich man. The next day when the farmer went to draw water from the well he had bought, the rich man stopped him. He refused to let the farmer draw water. The rich man told the farmer that you have only bought the well and not its water. That’s why you can’t draw water from the well.

The farmer became very sad after listening to the rich man. He did not understand what to do, how to get out of this crisis. One day a poor farmer reached the court of King Akbar with his complaint. He told the whole thing to the king. Akbar, listening to the farmer, handed over this matter to Birbal and said, Birbal, you yourself find the solution to this problem. Birbal met that rich man. The rich man repeated whatever he told the farmer. On which Birbal said that you have sold the well to the farmer and not the water. Therefore, to keep all the water in the well, you will have to pay rent to the farmer. The rich man had to pay the debt. He felt that now his pulse will not melt here. He asked the farmer to use the water and apologized for troubling him.

Moral of the story: We learn from the story that we should not cheat anyone in our life or try to cheat anyone, we have to suffer the consequences of this.

3. Straw Support

Once upon a time king Akbar goes out for boating with some of his soldiers. Akbar boards the boat parked on the river bank with his soldiers. Birbal was also present on the boat. When the boat reaches the middle of the river, King Akbar thinks of a joke. The king shows a straw to Birbal and his soldiers and says that whoever crosses the river with the help of this straw, I will make him the king for a day. Listening to the king, Birbal said, Sir, I can do this work, but after becoming the king. Akbar agreed to Birbal and said, okay, I will make you the king for today.

Birbal gets ready to jump into the river with the straw. Before jumping, he told the bodyguards that at this time I am the king, you have to fulfill your responsibilities and duties. As soon as they heard his words, the bodyguards caught hold of him and said, “You are the king, so we will not let you risk your life.” Birbal tried hard but the bodyguards did not leave him. Meanwhile the boat reached the other end of the river. King Akbar said, Birbal, you have lost. Birbal said, “Why have I lost, sir? I have crossed the river only with the help of this straw.” If I had not had this, I would not have been the king and why would the bodyguards stop me from jumping into the river. Akbar laughed and said, Birbal, it is really much more difficult than you.

Moral of the story: We learn from this story that we can solve every problem with wisdom and understanding.

4. The greedy shopkeeper and Birbal

Once upon a time, some citizens of the kingdom came to Birbal and complained about a greedy utensil shopkeeper. In his complaint he told Birbal that the shopkeeper is very greedy and a cheater, and to do something to teach him a lesson. Hearing this, Birbal goes to the shopkeeper and buys three big pots from there. After a few days, he came to the greedy shopkeeper with a small pot and said, this big pot of yours has given birth to a child, please keep it. The shopkeeper was very happy and took the small pot.

After a few days, Birbal again went to the shopkeeper with a big vessel and told him that he did not like this vessel. You return my money to me. The shopkeeper said that it is only one pot whereas I had given you three pots. Birbal said that actually two pots have died. The shopkeeper replied, go away, why are you fooling? Does the vessel also die? Birbal replied, why not? When a pot can give birth to children, it can also cause death. The shopkeeper had to return Birbal’s money and the shopkeeper also got a quarter of the lion’s share. Birbal’s cleverness taught the shopkeeper a good lesson.

Moral of the story: From this story we learn that greed can be harmful at any time. We should never be greedy in life.

5. Akbar’s Love Parrot

Once upon a time, a fowler came to King Akbar’s court and presented him a parrot as a gift. Akbar ordered his servants to take special care of the parrot. The king told the servants that the parrot should be taken good care of, that the parrot should not die under any circumstances. Whoever reports the death of the parrot will be hanged. The servant started taking special care of the parrot, but finally one day the parrot died. Seeing this all the servants got scared. The servants were worried as to who would tell this news to the king, whoever did would have to be hanged. All the servants together reached Birbal and requested him for help.

After much thought, Birbal reached the court. He went to King Akbar and said, Sir, your beloved parrot neither eats nor drinks, neither speaks nor opens his eyes and is neither making any movement. King Akbar spoke angrily. Simply say that he died. Sir, I did not say this, you said that the parrot is dead. Birbal immediately said, spare my life. Akbar could not say anything. The king smiled and said Birbal, you are very clever. In this way Birbal saved his own life and the lives of all his servants.

Moral of the story: Whenever trouble comes in life, we should act with wisdom and intelligence, we will definitely get success.

6. Birbal’s Test

Once upon a time, King Akbar wanted to test Birbal’s intelligence. One day Birbal reaches the court. As soon as he stepped into the court, Akbar said, I want to ask you some questions. Birbal said, Sir. He came to the court and sat at his place and said, I am ready sir, you start. Akbar said, Sun and Moon live in the sky, can they see everything from the sky, or is there something which they cannot see. Birbal replied, Yes Sir, they cannot see darkness.

Akbar asked another question. He asked what is the difference between truth and lie. Birbal said it is the difference between your ears and eyes, because what we see is true and what we hear is often false. Akbar was very happy after listening to Birbal’s words. Then he drew a line on the ground and said, Birbal, make this line smaller without touching it. Hearing the words of the king, the courtiers present in the court were also surprised. The courtiers thought that Birbal would be defeated by now. Because no one can do this. Proving everyone’s guess wrong, Birbal drew a bigger line near him and said, sir, I have done it, your line has become shorter. Akbar was pleased with the questions of all Birbal’s soldiers. At last Akbar gave many gifts to Birbal.

Moral of the story: We learn from this story that even in difficult situations, we should maintain our patience and take any step thoughtfully and wisely.

Final Words

We hope that you must have liked my story of Akbar-Birbal, friends and children. Akbar must have learned a lot from the story of Birbal. The stories written by us will definitely make some changes in your children’s daily routine. Please keep visiting our website, thank you.

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