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Exploring the Hidden Gems: 5 Stunning Lakes Near Zurich, with a Spotlight on Lake Wägitalersee


Switzerland is renowned for its breathtaking landscapes, and the Zurich region is no exception. Nestled in the heart of this picturesque country, Zurich boasts not only a vibrant urban life but also an abundance of natural beauty. Among the many natural treasures the area has to offer, the stunning lakes near Zurich are a testament to the captivating allure of Swiss landscapes. In this article, we will take you on a journey to discover five of the most remarkable lakes in the vicinity of Zurich, with a special focus on the enchanting Lake Wägitalersee.

  • Lake Zurich:

Our journey begins with the largest and most iconic of the lakes, Lake Zurich. This glacial lake stretches over 88 square kilometers and is a central feature of Zurich’s cityscape. With its crystal-clear waters, it provides locals and visitors with a perfect spot for swimming, boating, and enjoying lakeside promenades. Surrounded by mountains and hills, Lake Zurich offers a stunning blend of urban charm and natural beauty.

  • Lake Greifen:

Lake Greifen, also known as Greifensee, is a tranquil haven located just a short drive from Zurich’s bustling city center. This serene lake is an ideal destination for a peaceful day out, surrounded by lush forests and charming towns. With opportunities for swimming and hiking, Lake Greifen promises a refreshing escape from the urban hustle.

  • Lake Lucerne:

A little further from Zurich, Lake Lucerne beckons with its breathtaking panoramas and rich history. The surrounding towns, like Weggis and Vitznau, offer quaint charm, and the lake itself is a playground for water sports and leisurely boat cruises. The combination of the picturesque lake and the stunning mountainscape makes it a true gem in the Swiss landscape.

  • Lake Thun:

Situated approximately 120 kilometers from Zurich, Lake Thun is a postcard-perfect destination in the Bernese Oberland region. Encircled by the Bernese Alps, this lake offers unparalleled views. Stroll along the promenades of Thun or Spiez, explore nearby castles, or simply take in the mesmerizing vistas. Lake Thun is the epitome of Swiss natural beauty.

  • Lake Geneva:

While Lake Geneva is a bit farther from Zurich, it’s well worth the journey. Located on the western border of Switzerland, this lake is shared with France. It’s renowned for its crystal-clear waters, charming lakeside towns like Montreux and Lausanne, and the majestic Chillon Castle. The French influence adds an extra layer of allure to this already magnificent location.

Spotlight on Lake Wägitalersee:

Our journey of discovery brings us to Lake Wägitalersee, a hidden gem nestled within the Schwyz canton, just a stone’s throw from Zurich. This mesmerizing alpine lake is a haven for nature enthusiasts and those seeking solitude in an unspoiled setting.

Lake Wägitalersee is a glacial lake cradled by the Mythen mountains and is known for its crystal-clear turquoise waters. The lake is surrounded by lush forests, making it a perfect destination for hiking, picnicking, and birdwatching. The tranquil atmosphere makes it an ideal spot for reflection and relaxation.

If you’re an angler, Lake Wägitalersee offers excellent fishing opportunities, with an abundance of fish species, including trout. Anglers can find their own slice of paradise here, away from the hustle and bustle of more crowded fishing spots.

To explore the area further, consider embarking on one of the many hiking trails that wind through the picturesque surroundings. The “Klingenstock-Wägitalersee” hike, for instance, offers breathtaking views of Lake Wägitalersee from above, showcasing the stunning contrast of the deep blue water against the lush green landscape.

For those who wish to spend more than a day exploring this beautiful location, there are several campsites and cabins available in the vicinity. Spending a night under the starry Swiss sky near Lake Wägitalersee is an experience you won’t soon forget.


The lakes near Zurich, including the hidden gem of Lake Wägitalersee, offer an extraordinary range of experiences for those who seek natural beauty, tranquility, and outdoor adventure. Whether you’re a local looking for a quick escape or a traveler exploring Switzerland’s wonders, these stunning lakes are a testament to the country’s breathtaking landscapes. So, pack your bags and embark on a journey to discover these remarkable bodies of water, each with its own unique charm and allure.

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