What FFL USA Provides to Their Life Insurance Agents
Becoming a life insurance agent can be rewarding in more ways than one. After all, you can help your clients and their families while you’re earning money. However, if you focus on only the financial aspect, there’s no guarantee that you’ll be able to make enough to gain financial freedom. Fortunately, Family First Life (FFL) is there to help life insurance agents boost their careers and reach the success they want.
One of the independent marketing organizations affiliated with FFL is FFL USA. It was founded in 2014 by Andrew Taylor, a renowned agent whose influence reaches thousands on Facebook and Instagram. His mission is to provide life insurance to the company’s clients and financial freedom to its agents.
Agents who join the FFL USA team are given free training, leads and the highest commissions in the industry. The company also considers them a priority and treats them in the best way possible. Rest assured that the agents will be paid what they are worth. Therefore, as long as they work hard and constantly learn about the industry, they can guarantee their success.
Throughout their journey, FFL USA will be there to provide their agents with all the resources they need. When Andrew was just a beginner in the life insurance industry, FFL helped him boost his career. He used to be a grocery bagger with zero knowledge about being an agent, and it was the company that helped him become who he is today.
This is why Andrew aims to give the same opportunity to others. He was once at the point in his life where he felt like he would never achieve financial freedom. Bagging groceries required him to exert a lot of effort, yet the returns weren’t worth it. In fact, it’s also another reason he’s dedicated to growing a company that gives agents a way to earn more money without taking up all their time.
In April 2021, more than 2,400 agents under FFL USA received a payment that has collectively surpassed $16 million in commissions. This is why many of those agents are now experiencing financial freedom, and they credit their growth to the company for guiding and supporting them.
Currently, FFL USA is one of the largest insurance companies in the United States. It’s also followed by thousands of people on numerous social media networks, such as Facebook and Instagram. If you go to the company’s official YouTube channel, you can hear more about the success stories of FFL USA agents. There, the team also shares tips from experts in the industry.
Andrew’s success as a life insurance agent was no ordinary feat, but he knows that many can also get to his level of success with guidance and support. He dedicates his life to helping the families of FFL USA’s clients and agents. He has trained a total of 16 other agencies within the company’s group to achieve $12 million monthly. In addition, in 2021, he has helped over 500 agents make more than $100,000.
You can connect with Andrew Taylor on Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn. You can also check out FFL USA on YouTube, Facebook, and Instagram.