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Kailin Gow Begins Filming in Catalina, Crimes & Coconut Pies: The Sadie Silver Mysteries

The first book in the Sadie Silver Mysteries Series by Kailin Gow has started filming. Catalina, Crimes, and Coconut Pies began filming off the coast of Catalina Island in October, which is a film that takes place on Catalina Island and features a cast of characters attending a destination wedding which quickly turns into a murder mystery when the groom himself dies mysteriously right before his wedding to a wealthy movie star.

Kailin Gow, an actress, director, and producer, as well as a million-selling international author, plays the pastry chef Sadie Silver who moonlights as an amateur sleuth.  Sadie is aided in her mystery-solving by her cat Orchid and dog Biscuit, both who seem to have a psychic connection to Sadie. In addition, Sadie’s best friend, Palmer.

The Sadie Silver Mysteries Series has 12 books so far, which are available through Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Apple Books, Kobo, and all retailers.

Since 2001, Kailin Gow has written and published over 700 books and 70 book series under her name and various pen names and founded several publishing houses such as, as well as a production company. She has become a filmmaker, actress, and stage and television personality, as well as a designer and inventor.  Gow’s young adult book series such as the Bitter Frost Series, Pulse Vampire Series, FADE Series, and Loving Summer Series have become fan favorites and have sold millions of copies worldwide. The Sadie Silver Series features a professional pastry chef who loves to use logic and science to solve mysteries, which helps inspire girls and women to embrace science and technology.

“It’s important to show girls and boys how useful science, logic, and technology can be,” Kailin Gow said. “That is why my daughter and co-author Kira G. have also introduced many STEM books in the Upper Middle Grade/Teens and YA genres such as The Last Lodge on Earth Series and the Red Genesis Series.”, which have been optioned by a Netflex producer. “Kira G. and I always try to find an opportunity to help inspire people to use their minds, their brains, and their creativity, even while reading our books. That’s why our collaborations such as The Last Lodge on Earth Series and the Amazon Lee Adventures Series, includes inventions and devices. You never know if there is a budding inventor like Hedy Lamarr who might be inspired by our books,” Gow said.

“Using logic and common sense, which is similar to baking and cooking, Sadie solves mysteries despite not being a professional investigator, and she does it to help out her friends,” Kailin says. “I am so happy to be bring Sadie Silver’s character and her stories to life. Although she is only in her mid-20s in the books, she is a bit older in the films since it makes sense for her to have years of experience and accomplishments to be so highly successful and poise as a celebrity chef, owner of a chain of bakeries under her name, and television personality.”

The mysteries are cozy but not what they seem. “Readers get a kick trying to figure out the mystery but are often surprised in the end,” Gow says. “Plus there is a little romance, sometimes a bit of paranormal, and always a solved mystery at the end of each book. The books each take place in different locations around the world, which is always fun, including a fictional place where Sadie lives called Fortune Falls. This is unlike my other book series in the mystery genre, Priscilla Prickly P.I. starting with Case of the Concho River Convict, which takes place only in the small town of San Angelo, TX. But whatever book series you pick up from me, there is always a wonder of travel and place, as these books and now the films are definitely about escape, as well as reading or watching for pleasure.”

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