Outdoor Camping Gear Guide: What You Need to Know
The items you decide to carry can either make or break your camping experience. When preparing for a camping trip, we often make the mistake of only bringing the essentials. But if you leave behind certain camping gear, you may not have as much fun as you’d anticipated. To ensure you get the most out of your outdoor trip, here are some of the essential camping gear that you should carry.
- A Camping Tent
A camping tent is a must-carry. It protects you from the weather, animals, and insects. Even though some outdoor enthusiasts enjoy sleeping under the open sky, a camping tent gives you peace of mind knowing that you are protected from wildlife. The size of a camping tent significantly determines comfort. Therefore, pick a size that will accommodate you and your companions.
- A Canvas Backpack
Some people assume that because they are going camping with a car or an RV, they don’t need a backpack. But that’s not true. Hiking is an essential part of camping. Every once in a while, you’ll feel the urge to explore various trails around your campsite and that’s where a canvas backpack comes in handy. With this nifty accessory, you can carry essentials and other personal belongings. It’s also strong, durable, and comfortable. If you’re anticipating bad weather, you should get a waxed canvas backpack as it’s more resistant to rain.
- The Apple Watch Ultra
When exploring the outdoors, it’s easy to get so caught up with nature that you forget about time. If you don’t want darkness to find you in the wild, you need to have a watch on your wrist. And not just any watch, you should get yourself the Apple Watch Ultra. This is a rugged timepiece that was built specifically for adventure enthusiasts. It’s made using titanium which can withstand extreme environments. The Apple Watch Ultra features a precision dual-frequency GPS which ensures you’ll never get lost in the outdoors. You also get thirty-six hours of battery life. At the same time, it is also necessary to match your apple watch ultra with a sturdy apple watch band.
- A Camping Chair
To enjoy a beautiful sunrise or sunset while camping, you’ll need a comfy chair. Though often overlooked, camping chairs are essential gear. If you’re with a group of friends, you can place chairs in a circle and share your experiences every evening next to a bonfire. When shopping for camping chairs, go for the foldable and lightweight designs. If you don’t mind, you should also get a camping table.
- Hiking Boots
Your fancy sports shoes won’t be very effective when exploring camping trails. You need to invest in some quality hiking boots. Unlike regular footwear, camping boots provide comfort, traction, water resistance, and support. These features should also be heavily considered when shopping for camping attire.
- Camping Cookware
Something most campers enjoy is cooking outdoors. Whether you’re frying some bacon or grilling some steak, you’ll need the appropriate cookware. This includes plates, utensils, pans, and a camp stove. As for the utensils, it can be tempting to go for plastic. But make sure you reuse them instead of discarding them. Make sure that you pack enough water alongside the cookware.
Wrapping Up
Whether you’re a regular camper or it’s your first time, using this checklist will ensure you have everything you may need for a successful trip. After your trip, don’t forget to maintain your gear so that it can serve you during your next adventure.