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Preventing Possums from Entering Your Perth Property: Tips and Strategies

Possums are protected by law, even though some people consider them to be pests. Possums can be annoying, but you can deal with them by adjusting and using some useful advice to keep your property safe. Most possums are widespread in Australia and are woodland creatures. Possums spend most of the day sleeping in holes or other hiding places and only come out to hunt for food after dark.


Possums may appear cute, but they can harm your property and even carry diseases. Possums cannot be injured or killed without permission in Australia since they are a protected species. Therefore, it’s crucial to adopt safe removal techniques if you have a possum problem in Perth. Possum removal services are provided by many pest control businesses in Perth. These businesses have the required permits and training to capture and relocate possums.

Possums And Their Behavior

Possums are about the size of domestic cats, with long tails, sharp fingers, and grey or brown fur, which makes them great climbers. They sleep throughout the day and are most active at night.


They have long tails and dedicated claws that they use to climb and move about in the trees where they live. Both plant and animal matter is eaten by them. Fruits, flowers, insects, tiny animals, and even bird eggs are part of their diet.


Possums are solitary creatures except for the Australian breeding season, which lasts from May to August. They are known for marking their territory with smell since they have a keen sense of smell.

Why Do Possums Enter Your Property?

Possums may become attracted to your property for many reasons. It’s necessary to take action for possum removal from your home to avoid potential damage and issues.


Food Sources: Fruit trees, vegetable gardens, and pet food left outside are among the foods that possums are attracted to. To avoid possums being drawn to your property if you have these items, it’s necessary to keep them safely or remove them.


Shelter: Possums may seek shelter in your property, such as in the roof cavity, if there are gaps or holes that they can enter through. It’s important to seal these entry points to prevent possums from entering your property.


Water Sources: Because possums require water to survive, they could be drawn to water features on your property like birdbaths or leaking pipes.

Tips And Techniques For Preventing Possum Invasion On Your Perth Property

Block Entry Points: Possums can enter through small gaps in walls, roofs, and eaves. Seal any entry points around your property with wire mesh or sealant.


Remove Food Sources: Possums are attracted to food sources such as pet food, fruit trees, and vegetable gardens. Keep these areas clean and remove any fallen fruit or vegetables.


Install Motion-activated Lights: Possums are nocturnal animals and can be deterred by bright lights. Install motion-activated lights around your property to scare them away.


Use Repellents: There are several commercial possum repellents available in the market, but some of them may not be effective. You can also try natural repellents such as mothballs or citrus peels.


Professional Pest Control: Services for possum removal are provided by several pest control businesses in Perth. These businesses capture and relocate possums using humane techniques. Additionally, they provide services like possum-proofing your house to stop further infestations.


Wildlife Rescue Organizations: Possum removal and relocation are a specialty of several Perth-based wildlife rescue organizations. These qualify as charitable organizations and rely on donations to keep their doors running. They may offer guidance and support for possum removal from your home in a secure manner.

Possums Removal by Professionals by Laws

In Western Australia, possums are protected by the Wildlife Conservation Act 1950, making it illegal to harm or kill them without a license. Therefore, during possum removal from your property in Perth, it’s crucial to consider the law. This will help protect possums and avoid potential legal consequences.


Possums cannot be harmed or killed without a permit. Possum trapping and relocation are included in this. Possums that are caught in traps must be relocated within the same geographical area where they were caught. It’s important to release them in a suitable habitat with food, water, and shelter available. Relocating possums outside their geographical area can result in harm to the animal and negative ecological impacts. It’s necessary to seek a permit from the Department of Biodiversity, Conservation, and Attractions (DBCA) or a recognized wildlife management business if you need to remove possums from your property.


For the safe removal of possums from your property, it’s best to seek advice from a professional wildlife management or pest control company. They have the expertise and permits to safely remove possums from your property using humane methods.


Possums can be cute and fascinating creatures, but they can also cause damage to your property and pose health risks due to their droppings and potential for carrying diseases. They migrate toward homes that offer simple access to food, water, and shelter. To prevent potential harm and problems, you need to take action to keep possums away from your property.


If a possum enters your property, you may catch it with a safe trap and return it to the wild. However, it’s important to confirm the possum relocation and trapping legislation in your area. Furthermore, because possums may carry diseases, it’s extremely important to take precautions and wear gloves when working with traps.


Possum removal in Perth can be greatly helped by pest control businesses. These businesses specialize in removing pests, including possums, safely and effectively from both residential and commercial buildings. Pest control companies are trained and licensed to operate within the legal requirements of professional possum removal in Perth. They have the necessary permits to trap and relocate possums in compliance with the Wildlife Conservation Act 1950.




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