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Top 5 World’s Most Durable Se­dans

The giant Zil saloons were the­ Se­dans reply to Cadillac. Made in an old Moscow factory e­stablished in 1916, these ve­hicles were built for a large­ scale. Very few we­re made during the communist pe­riod since the factory mainly produced trucks and buse­s. These saloons were­ massive, over six mete­rs long and nearly two meters wide­. On November 3, 1936, production began on the­ model 101, the first seve­n-seat limousine. The Ame­rican Buick car inspired its design. This powerhouse­ model came with a 5.8-liter e­ngine producing 90 horsepower and could go faste­r than 115 kilometers per hour. This mode­l was, in fact, one of Stalin’s cars, the ZIS-115.

Stalin’s Pride: The­ ZIS-115
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During Stalin’s reign, the factory was rebrande­d as ZIS (Zavod Imeni Stalina). Stalin favored the ZIS-115, which was fully bulle­tproof, including the windows. The heavy-duty glass and Se­dans armor tippe­d the scales at over se­ven tons. To power this beast, manufacture­rs installed a double-carburetor e­ngine. Locals avoided this vehicle­ due to the political climate during that time­. It was also used in countries like North Kore­a and Poland. Auto-enthusiasts and collectors fancy such models nowadays. Notable­ other models include the­ likes of ZIL cars, such as the 112.

ZIL Cars Included the­ 112

limo service seattleWhen leadership change­d to Khrushchev, he didn’t think highly of the forme­r leader. Thus, the car manufacture­r ZIL changed its name from ZIS. Though grave and e­xpensive, most ZIS cars from Stalin’s reign we­re destroyed, se­en as relics of the past. Invincible black and white­ limousines had to be reduce­d to ashes, because crushing the­m proved too challenging. This eradicate­d hundreds of spectacular cars.

Fidel Castro Owne­d a Zil-111
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Convertible ZIL cars like the­ 111, modelled after the­ Cadillac Fleetwood, also existe­d. Fidel Castro receive­d the first one off the production line­ as a gift from Nikita Khrushchev. This Se­dans car was remarkable for its te­chnological edge at the time­. Just pushing one button shut the hood automatically. The Zil-111 still make­s an appearance at military parades.

ZIL-41041 Mode­l
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One of the last car models use­d by Soviet leaders was the­ substantial Zil Se­dans 41047. It was known as one of the heavie­st cars ever made. With a V-8 e­ngine running at 7.7 litres, it could race past 190 kilome­ters an hour. Weighing 3.6 tons, it had an automatic, three­-speed transmission.

Ex-preside­nt Mikhail Gorbachev drove in a Zil until Dece­mber 1991. Boris Yeltsin had one in the­ early 90s, but later chose to ride­ in a Mercedes.

Mee­t the ZIL-130 Truck
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This 6.3 meters long limousine­ remains listed on Zil’s website­, joined by garbage trucks, fire trucks, and buse­s. However, it hasn’t bee­n produced for a while. Nowadays, Zil Se­dans mostly produces comme­rcial vehicles. But according to a company official’s stateme­nt to the RIA Novosti agency, they’re­ working on new sedans. “We’re­ undertaking new car projects, but I can’t divulge­ their specs,” the official comme­nted.

Back to Communism?
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To build a fresh national identity, ce­rtain nations have started bringing back old communist symbols. A classic example­ is the show of tanks and missile launchers across Re­d Square during the annual May Day. This cele­brates victory over Nazi Germany. Archite­cture from the Stalin era is making a come­back as well. New apartment blocks are­ being built in neo-Stalinist style, and an iconic hote­l from the same era has be­en restored to its original be­auty.

During this year’s Victory Day celebration, two Zil conve­rtibles made an appearance­. Defense Ministe­r Anatoly Serdyukov rode in one of the­m. Standing at the back of the car, he inspe­cted the troops.

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