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What Are The Top Reasons For Wrinkles Not Related To Ageing

As everyone knows, wrinkles and lines are primarily caused by the natural aging process. But wrinkles are also caused by a host of other lifestyle and environmental factors that we tend to ignore. Over time, even seemingly insignificant daily habits can have a negative impact on our physical appearance. We outline the main reasons behind wrinkles and the most effective ways to reverse the effects of aging.

Dry skin

Not only does dry skin have an unpleasant appearance, but it also feels uncomfortable. Because dry skin is more prone to wrinkles, it makes your skin appear older. How? Skin that is too dry may start to lose some of its strength. Without collagen and hyaluronic acid, which actively serve as the skin’s scaffolding and moisture, the skin becomes dry and wrinkle prone.

Sun damage

Although everyone enjoys a little warmth, it is commonly known that sun exposure contributes significantly to wrinkles, oxidative stress, and skin damage. Wrinkles and early aging of the skin are caused by free radical damage inflicted by UV radiation. Elastin and collagen are lost as a result of sun damage.


Many people are unaware of the significant influence that environmental elements like pollution have on wrinkles. Therefore, washing our faces before going to bed is a crucial step for all of us. These pollutants and wrinkles will be eliminated with this essential nighttime skincare routine.

Smoking, squinting or drinking out of straws

Wrinkles can be caused by daily habits like smoking or even smaller ones like squinting and drinking through straws. It’s the eyes and vision that come to mind when we think of squinting, not the muscles that are employed in the process. In order for you to squint, your muscles must contract; if you do this frequently, the resultant constant contraction will be dynamic wrinkles. The muscles surrounding your mouth are merely tense when you smoke or use straws. You might develop smoker’s lines, a gloomy or depressed expression, or both. In addition to causing wrinkles and fine lines, smoking also contains toxins that age the skin.

Lack of sleep

Many of us are familiar with the term “beauty sleep,” which refers to delaying wrinkles. Insufficient sleep can result in dry skin, elasticity loss, and the formation of wrinkles. From the brain to the muscles, our bodies heal themselves while we sleep, and this process also involves the epidermis, or outer layer of skin. Your skin’s collagen is rebuilt, age spots are removed, wrinkles are minimized, and sun damage is repaired when your blood flow is increased while you sleep. In particular, if your skin ages more quickly or takes longer to heal from sun exposure or other environmental stresses, you should get a full night’s sleep. Basically, chronically low-quality sleep can cause signs of aging on your skin.

Sugar and stress can accelerate aging

Sugar accelerates aging. Elevated blood sugar levels may result from overindulging in sugar. Wrinkles may result from this age-accelerating factor. Protein in our bodies interacts with sugar. Unfortunately, it may bind itself to proteins like collagen and elastin as it goes through the glycation process. The skin is composed of collagen and elastin, which are weakened by sugar and cause wrinkles and early aging. Your mental and emotional health are impacted by stress, regardless of the source—your personal or professional life. Your skin’s capacity to function at its best may also be impacted, as well as your physical health. Tension hastens the onset of wrinkles and contributes to skin aging.

No amount of skin care can save the damaged skin. The only solution is taking the right treatment at a reputed beauty and aesthetic clinic like Bellissima Beauty & Aesthetics.

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