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What Temperature To Set The Air Conditioner In Summer?

In Dubai, where the summers can be unbearably hot, air conditioning is not just a luxury but a necessity. It is important to have a functioning AC unit to keep your home or office cool and comfortable during the scorching summer months. However, like any other appliance, AC units require regular maintenance and repair to ensure they are working efficiently.


If you are looking for AC servicing in Dubai, there are plenty of options available. A quick online search for “AC servicing near me” will bring up a list of companies offering maintenance and repair services. These companies offer a range of services, including AC installation, repair, and maintenance.


One of the most significant advantages of hiring a professional AC service in Dubai is that they offer 24 hour AC repair services. This is particularly useful if your AC unit breaks down in the middle of the night, and you need urgent repair. These companies have a team of skilled technicians who can quickly diagnose and fix the issue, ensuring that your Ceiling AC unit is up and running in no time.


When it comes to AC repair in Dubai, it is important to choose a reputable company with experienced technicians. These technicians have the knowledge and expertise to diagnose and fix a wide range of AC problems, from minor issues like clogged filters to more complex problems like compressor failure.


Wondering about the right temperature? Here’s the complete guide

During the hot summer months, air conditioning including
wall mounted AC, split AC, Inverter Split AC, Ceiling AC, Ductless Wall-Mounted AC are essential to keep your home or office cool and comfortable. However, setting the right temperature on your air conditioner can be tricky. While it’s tempting to set your AC unit to the lowest temperature possible, it can be expensive and not necessarily the best way to stay cool. In this article, we will discuss the optimal temperature to set your air conditioner in summer.


Before we get into the ideal temperature, it’s important to ensure that your air conditioner is in good working condition. If you need AC supply and installation, repair, or maintenance services, there are plenty of options available in Dubai. A quick online search for “air conditioner service near me” will bring up a list of companies offering these services. In addition, if you are experiencing issues with your AC unit, such as a gas leak, you can search for “AC gas refill Dubai” or “24 hour AC repair” to find companies that offer these services.


Once your  wall mounted AC unit is in good working condition, it’s time to set the right temperature. According to the Department of Energy, the optimal temperature to set your air conditioner in summer is 78°F (25.5°C). This temperature strikes a balance between keeping your home or office cool and comfortable while also conserving energy and reducing your electricity bills.


However, the ideal temperature can vary depending on your personal preferences and the size of the space you are trying to cool. For example, if you have a large space with high ceilings, you may need to set the temperature a few degrees lower to cool the entire room. Similarly, if you are sensitive to the heat, you may need to set the temperature a bit lower to feel comfortable.


In addition to setting the right temperature, it’s also important to clean your AC ducts regularly. Over time, dust and debris can accumulate in your ducts, reducing airflow and making it harder for your AC unit to cool your home or office. A professional AC duct cleaning service in Dubai can help remove the buildup and ensure that your AC unit is working efficiently.

Regular AC maintenance is also essential to ensure that your unit is working at its best. A professional AC maintenance service in Dubai can perform a thorough inspection of your unit, clean the filters, and make any necessary repairs. This not only helps to prolong the life of your  Ceiling AC unit but also ensures that it is functioning efficiently, which can help reduce your energy bills.


In conclusion, setting the right temperature on your air conditioner is essential to keep your home or office cool and comfortable during the hot summer months. While the ideal temperature is 78°F (25.5°C), it can vary depending on your personal preferences and the size of the space you are trying to cool. Additionally, regular Ductless Wall-Mounted AC maintenance, cleaning, and repair services are essential to ensure that your unit is working efficiently and effectively. Whether you need AC supply and installation, repair, or maintenance services, there are plenty of options available in Dubai. A quick online search for “AC repair Dubai” or “AC maintenance Dubai” can help you find a reputable company that can help you stay cool this summer.


Benefits For Following This Temperature Guide 

Setting the right temperature on your air conditioner has numerous benefits, and following this temperature guide can help you stay cool and comfortable while also saving money on your energy bills. Let’s take a look at some of the key benefits of using this temperature guide.


First and foremost, setting your air conditioner to the recommended temperature of 78°F (25.5°C) can help you save money on your energy bills. When you set your AC unit to a lower temperature, it has to work harder to cool the air, which uses more energy and increases your electricity bills. By setting the temperature to the optimal level, your AC unit can work efficiently, which can help reduce your energy consumption and save you money in the long run.


In addition to saving money, setting the right temperature can also help prolong the life of your AC unit. When your unit has to work harder to cool the air, it can put more strain on the system, which can cause it to wear out faster. By setting the temperature to the recommended level, your unit can work more efficiently, which can help reduce wear and tear and prolong its lifespan.


Another benefit of following this temperature guide is that it can help you stay comfortable without compromising on your health. When you set the temperature too low, it can cause your body to become too cold, which can lead to health issues such as headaches, fatigue, and even respiratory problems. By setting the temperature to the recommended level, you can stay cool and comfortable without putting your health at risk.

Regular AC maintenance, cleaning, and repair services are also essential to ensure that your unit is working efficiently and effectively. A professional AC service in Dubai can help you keep your unit in good condition and prevent any major issues from occurring. By scheduling regular maintenance and cleaning services, you can help reduce your energy bills and prolong the life of your unit.


In addition to the above benefits, following this temperature guide can also help reduce your carbon footprint. When you use less energy to cool your home or office, you are reducing your impact on the environment. This can help you contribute to a more sustainable future and reduce your overall carbon footprint.



Following this temperature guide can provide numerous benefits, including saving money on your energy bills, prolonging the life of your AC unit, staying comfortable without compromising your health, reducing your carbon footprint, and more. If you need AC repair, maintenance, cleaning, or installation services in Dubai, there are plenty of reputable companies available. A quick online search for “AC service in Dubai” or “AC duct cleaning Dubai” can help you find the right company to meet your needs. If you are looking for a reliable and easy on budget AC services company in Dubai, be sure to check Extreme Cool and their incredible services. This temperature guide works well with all major AC Companies in Dubai, including O’general, Midea, Akai, LG, Daikin, Fujitsu, Samsung Indesit, TCL, Westpoint and much more. 

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