Love dogs? These amazing memes will keep you laughing for days
Let’s take a moment and forget about all the quarantine memes. Instead, let’s go back to a time when we could roam the streets freely, memes mentioning social isolation only referred to introverts, and dog parks weren’t taboo.
In order to do this, we’ve gathered up as many dog memes from the before times we could get our hands on. Now, we’re ready to share them with you, right here. Enjoy these funny dog memes to your heart’s content.
Don’t say the ‘P’ word
Park, the ‘P’ word is park. Get your head out of the gutter.
Glam pup
Quick, somebody start playing “Glamorous” by Fergie.
Late night chat with the moon
Everyone has an unconventional friend, it’s just your dog’s is the moon.
One for the students out there
A little luck, a dash of decent memory, and maybe – just maybe a touch of being interested in the test subject.
How dare she?
We also desperately want to know the real context of this image, it’s probably just as funny, if not funnier, than the meme.
Sushi is a 14/10 dog
Oh, Sushi my heart cannot take how sweet you are.
Definitely a good boy
Precious floof with a big snoot, deserves all the compliments in the world.
Updated Pixar lamp
This is the only version of the lamp I accept now, all others have ceased to exist in my mind.
It’s a tough concept for dogs
It’s impossible to be mad at this face though.
Arlo, we love you
This is so cute we may start screaming.
Customer service dog
Anyone who works in customer service can relate to this dog.
Tech pun
He may be breaking some rules, but you have to admit this is pretty funny.
They used the ‘P’ word, and for nefarious purposes no less. What a betrayal.
Doggo has a point
Humans and their strange ceremonies.
Already hired
Congrats, you start on Monday.