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Car Key Replacement near me

Replacing car keys can be a very expensive job especially if you don’t have a spare car key. The methodology can vary depending on which process vehicle manufacturers have set up on your car model to create a key. The type of vehicle key your car uses is also a factor ie. if it has keyless entry, or a key blade. Different types of car use different set ups for both key blades and remote transponder chips to make them more secure.

Main Dealer Support for car keys

With main car dealer prices for replacement vehicle keys being high, and the lack of programming potential in some locations there was a huge void left in the market. After all Car dealerships generally close at 6pm and often keys are on back order, this left no solution that was responsive to peoples needs if they needed a replacement car key when travelling and also out of hours. This is where all specialist auto locksmith service offerings have grown from.

Auto locksmith services

There are 3 main areas covered within an auto locksmith armoury.

Vehicle Gain Entry

Many locksmiths have the capability to gain entry into your vehicle after you have been locked out. This often happens when owners leave the vehicle keys in the car and the doors auto lock. A flat battery can also cause an issue. Most vehicles will have a lock that can be picked, but with the rise of remote keys and keyless entry these locks are very rarely used. The issue with this is they seize and we have seen owners with spare car keys snap them in the lock.

Car key cutting

Many Vehicles require a key for the ignition and door locks so key replacement for blades is common, However it is 2023 and every car on the market has some form of remote fob often with key blades slotted inside for emergencies. The auto locksmith will start will a blank key and use expensive digital key cutting equipment to cut a replica.

Car key programming

This is often the final step Programming the Vehicle keys. It is needed to make the car recognise the remote car keys when in the vehicle and to disable the immobiliser. This is where having a spare car key can help keep the cost down. Duplicating a car key is a lot easier than trying to program when all the keys are lost.

How to choose an auto locksmith

When choosing an auto locksmith for your car key replacement needs, and find a reputable enterprise. Look for critiques online and ask for hints from pals or own family. It is likewise vital to make sure the locksmith has enjoy together with your specific make and  model of vehicle.

Auto Locksmith Services

In addition to automobile key substitute services, many vehicle locksmiths provide different offerings consisting of repairing broken locks or replacing faulty ignition switches. They also can offer advice on a way to hold your car keys secure and steady.


Help is available when you need to replace a car key

Help is available whilst you need to update a car key

Overall, at the same time as replacing a car key may be a frustrating and costly experience, there are options available to help make the system smoother. By choosing a dependable car locksmith, you could get returned on the street speedy and properly with a new set of keys in hand.


Overall, while replacing a car key can be a frustrating and expensive experience, there are options available to help make the process smoother. By choosing a reliable auto locksmith, you can get back on the road quickly and safely with a new set of keys in hand.

How are replacement car keys made?

Replacement car keys are created using a couple of expensive pieces of equipment. On average an auto locksmith will have spent over £10,000 setting up to offer car key replacement services. The replacement keys can be created from an original key if you have a spare key. If you have lost car keys then it is created from the vehicle details. Firstly the car’s lock needs to be read to understand the design of the key.

Step 2

Once this is complete a brand new key can be created. After this is done auto locksmiths can program the remote control. This process would involve reading the password make up from the ECU once the data is copied the file can then be transferred onto the new car key. Often the Locksmith will use universal car keys as the transponder keys within them will work with a various types of car.

Who can program a car key transponder chip?

Local garages can often program the electronic chip in your key fob but they don’t normally have the facility for key cutting. You will often need an appointment in store as they do not offer roadside assistance. Whereas an auto locksmith can offer same day support for lock transmitters on most keys, including the ability to cut keys for you. Remember if you have to have a key cut same day it is best to do it from one of the old keys or key cards for new car model.

Having to have a replacement car key cut

A new key can be costly, so if you need a replacement key for non remote car keys places like Timpsons may be able to help with the car key cutting but only for non remote car keys. You can find them in many supermarkets across the united kingdom it is always worth asking as you will be amazed at the services they offer.

Garage support for Lost car keys

They can sometimes provide duplicate keys at a local garage using your reg number. As the data for most keys for a vehicle is held on main car dealer systems. it is worth checking with your insurance providers as they may cover car locks and keys on your policy. But be wary as it may affect your no claims bonus.

Tips to help you avoid needing a replacement key service

Always make sure you have a spare keys

Keep your existing key remote control in good condition. Avoid submerging in water or leaving in extreme temperatures. Replace the battery regularly, you will notice the remote car keys range reduce as the battery wears down. You may also notice your remote car keys performance deteriorate when the battery is running out.

Use a key finder on your keys to help locating lost ones.

If your Local feel free to call us at Express Locksmith Cardiff and we would be more than happy to help!

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