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‘Christmas Love’ by DeAna Fai Finds its Way in “The Holiday Proposal Plan” with Tatyana Ali and Jesse Kove

With several feature films up under their belt, producers Autumn Federici and Jake Helgren of Ninth Traditions, LLC have done it again with another holiday romantic comedy. The film captures the true essence of Christmas by adding a song by DeAna Fai that was made just for the holidays. 

DeAna Fai must have found her niche with holiday feature films and seasonal music just the same. Her song ‘Christmas Love’ appears in the trailer of ‘The Holiday Proposal Plan’ streaming on YouTube. According to IMDB, the romantic comedy has been completed but there is no status on the release. 

The film stars ‘Fresh Prince of Bel-Air’ actress Tatyana Ali alongside Jesse Kove, Whitney Able, Patrick Faucette, and Mike Heslin. Just last year, ‘Christmas Love’ debuted in the film Catfish Christmas directed by Victoria Rowell with talented actors to include Ella Joyce, Tony Todd and Leigh-Ann Rose. The song appears in a variety of scenarios throughout the film therefore, looking forward to hearing it in ‘The Holiday Proposal Plan.’ The song is perfect for the season and its anticipated sizzling romance in the film.

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