Coronavirus isn’t over yet: Heed the advice of these memes
At this point we’re not quite sure if this coronavirus is a joke or not, but it hasn’t stopped the internet from giving us some of the best memes in recent history. If you’re worried about what you should be doing during this coronavirus pandemic, then maybe these coronavirus memes will help guide you through these trying times.
You shouldn’t need coronavirus memes to remind you to maintain social distancing
If you don’t have to go out don’t try to prove anything by running through grocery stores when you order all your food from UberEats anyways.
Coronavirus memes remind us that social distancing isn’t enough
Social distancing is a perfectly fine way to avoid spreading the coronavirus, but wearing a mask is another essential tool to help keep you safe. Make sure the mask fits tightly against your face and that you don’t let an anti-vaxxer steal it from you to prove that you won’t die without it.
People wearing masks aren’t the problem anymore
But If you do work with a cash register, you’re probably more worried about people without masks than with them.
The evangelists have never been more excited
Staying at home makes it harder to avoid some people, but at least you won’t miss any of your Amazon packages.
Coronavirus memes remind us to stay informed
While you’re home, make sure to get the latest updates from the most reputable sources. If you’re lucky a government official will present you with a tentative timeline, how exciting!
We’ve never had a better excuse than this coronavirus meme
Now that we’re home all the time people might call you out that you can’t be “busy”, but at least we all have the best excuse that’s ever existed.
Stay stocked up on things other than coronavirus memes
Hopefully you’ve stocked up on all the essentials, as it’s not clear when shopping in stores will stop feeling like you’re waiting in line to get on Splash Mountain.
Coronavirus memes remind us to think of the vulnerable segments of society
It’s also important to know what segments of society are most at risk for the coronavirus. We know that older people, as well as those with underlying health conditions are particularly susceptible to the coronavirus, but the list continues to change. Just don’t try to pretend you’re someone you’re not.
Working from home has become a godsend for coronavirus memes
For some of us who are lucky enough to work from home, this time has given us an opportunity to get to know a different side of our co-workers. For others, it’s shown us just how inept some of them are.
Will these coronavirus memes age well?
None of us really know how this will all end, but we’re hoping that as long as people stay calm and maintain their sense of humor, everything will be fine. At the end of the day it’s out of our hands what happens as long as we’ve done the best with the information that we’ve been given. We don’t expect this to be the end, but if it is at least one thing will be true.
Coronavirus memes show us what it will feel like when everything gets back to normal
What’s more likely to happen is that this tragedy will pass like all others, but the scars that it leaves may never heal.