Top 5 Fun Dubai Deep Sea Fishing Facts
Casting a line on a lake or standing on a river bank for hours in the hope that your bait will hook a fish annoys you? A fabulous fishing trip to the ocean is all that’s needed if you say yes. Whatever your fishing experience, whether you are a beginner or professional, you will still enjoy the thrill of deep sea fishing in Dubai.
You can find large fishing trip organizations like Fishing UAE in Dubai to help you explore and learn new fishing techniques. In our article, we are going to tell you about some fun facts associated with deep sea fishing in Dubai.
A Greater Number of Fish in the Ocean
Researchers have only discovered 30,000 species of fish and other extraordinary creatures in the ocean, which are spread across billions of square miles. So, going deep-sea fishing is a great way to get a big catch and learn about new species you have probably never seen before. Furthermore, you can catch larger fish that are not found in lakes or rivers.
It Takes Determination
While deep-sea fishing may involve simple casting and spinning, some species of fish can get feisty and try to escape, even after biting. Therefore, you need to keep your eyes on the line, since reeling in a fish can take hours in some cases, which is why patience and persistence are needed.
Fishing Pattern Change
You can find about 300 species of fish in Dubai and different seasons may influence the kind of fish you catch. For example, in the months of October to late May, you can get a lot of Mackerel, Tuna, and Kingfish while in summer you can catch more sailfish and queenfish. There are also some other species of fish like Barracuda which can be caught any time of the year.
Flexible Fishing Time
As opposed to lake or river fishing, where a slight change in weather or time of day may affect your fishing experience, deep-sea fishing gives you more freedom to decide when to start or end your trip. There is never a difference between morning, afternoon, or night as fish always bite.
It Is Necessary to Have a Big Boat For Fishing
As a result of changes in the weather, ocean waters can be rough, so smaller vessels have little chance. It will take bigger boats from fishing charters to accomplish the job properly. In addition to being able to carry a great deal of fish and passengers, these boats are designed to withstand any pressure from the ocean. In addition, they possess all the essential fishing equipment and safety measures.
For the best experience, make sure you book your deep-sea fishing trip in Dubai with Fishing UAE, they offer everything you require to make your trip successful. The great thing about hiring a charter fishing company is that it will save you all the hassle of doing everything yourself. Instead, you can relax and enjoy fishing with your friends or family while enjoying some nice socializing.