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How to Keep Kids Motivated in Online Quran Classes: Tips for Parents and Teachers


As the world continues to move towards digitization, many religious institutions have also taken their teachings online. Quran classes are no exception, and the trend has gained momentum in recent years. While it is convenient to attend these classes from the comfort of your home, it can be a daunting task for children to stay motivated and engaged in the learning process. In this article, we will discuss some tips for parents and teachers to keep child motivated in online Quran classes for kids.

Why is it important to keep kids motivated in Quran learning classes?

Before we dive into the tips, let’s first discuss why it’s crucial to keep kids motivated in online Quran learning. Firstly, Quran classes are not only about memorizing the verses but also understanding their meaning and context. If children are not motivated, they will not be able to grasp the concept and may lose interest in the Quran altogether. Secondly, the Quran is not just a religious text but also a source of moral guidance. If children are not motivated, they will miss out on learning values and ethics that are essential for their personal and social development.

Tips for parents to keep your child motivated in Kids Quran classes

As a parent, you play a crucial role in keeping your child motivated for learning Quran. Here are some tips that can help:

1. Set a fixed schedule for Quran Learning

Having a fixed schedule for Quran classes can help children understand the importance of this activity. It will also help them manage their time better, which is an essential skill for their future.

2. Create a conducive environment for classes

Ensure that your child has a quiet and comfortable place to attend Quran classes. Remove any distractions, such as electronic devices, toys, or other family members. This will help them focus on the class and stay engaged.

3. Praise and encourage must for kids

Children thrive on positive feedback. Whenever your child makes progress in their Quran studies, praise and encourage them. It will motivate them to continue and do better.

4. Make it interactive classes for child

Encourage your child to ask questions and participate in class discussions. This will help them stay engaged and interested in the learning process.

5. Use incentives

Incentives are a great way to motivate children. You can offer small rewards for completing Quran lessons, such as a special treat or a fun activity.

Tips for Quran teachers to keep kids motivated in Online classes

Teachers also play a vital role in keeping children motivated in Class. Here are some tips that can help:

1. Keep it interesting for kids

Make Quran classes for kids fun and interesting by using different teaching methods. For example, you can use visuals, stories, and games to help children understand the Quranic verses and concepts.

2. Use positive reinforcement

Positive reinforcement is a powerful motivator. Whenever a child makes progress in their Quran studies, praise and encourage them. It will help them build confidence and motivation.

3. Encourage participation

Encourage children to ask questions and participate in class discussions. This will help them stay engaged and interested in the learning process.

4. Be patient and polite

Teaching Quran to children can be challenging, especially online. Be patient with your students, and try to understand their learning pace and style. This will help you tailor your teaching methods to their needs and keep them motivated.

5. Provide feedback

Provide regular feedback to your students, highlighting their strengths and areas for improvement. It will help them understand their progress and motivate them to continue.


Here are some Tips for both parents and teachers for kids motivation for Quran Learning

Apart from the tips mentioned above, here are some additional pointers that parents and teachers can consider:

1. Build a connection

Building a connection with the child can go a long way in keeping them motivated. Parents can engage in conversations with their child about the Quran and its teachings, while teachers can take an interest in the child’s life outside of the class.

2. Understand the child’s learning style

Every child learns differently. Some may be visual learners, while others may be auditory learners. It’s essential to understand the child’s learning style and tailor the teaching methods accordingly. This will help the child understand the Quran better and stay motivated.

3. Focus on progress, not perfection

Learning the Quran is a gradual process. It’s essential to focus on the child’s progress rather than perfection. Encouraging and celebrating small milestones will help the child stay motivated and enthusiastic about learning.

4. Allow for breaks

It’s crucial to give children breaks in between online Quran classes to refresh their minds and avoid burnout. Parents can plan fun activities or hobbies for their children during these breaks, while teachers can encourage students to take short breaks during the class.

5. Lead by example

Children often look up to their parents and teachers as role models. Parents can set an example by reading the Quran regularly and showing enthusiasm for learning. Teachers can also set an example by being passionate about teaching and demonstrating the importance of the Quran in their lives.


  1. How often should children attend online Quran classes?

Children should attend Quran classes at least once a week. However, parents can discuss with the teacher and determine a schedule that works best for their child’s learning needs.

  1. How long should Quran classes be for children?

Quran classes for children should be no longer than 30 minutes to an hour, depending on the child’s age and attention span.

  1. How can parents ensure that their child is learning and retaining what they’ve learned in Quran classes?

Parents can ask their child questions about what they’ve learned in class and encourage them to recite the Quran at home. They can also talk to the teacher and ask for feedback on their child’s progress.

  1. What should parents do if their child loses interest in Quran classes?

Parents should talk to their child and try to understand the reason behind their lack of interest. They can also discuss with the teacher and work together to find solutions that will help the child stay motivated.

  1. Is it necessary for parents to supervise their child during Quran classes?

It’s essential for parents to supervise their child during Quran classes, especially for younger children. They can sit in on the class or listen in to ensure that their child is engaged and participating.


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