The Karen memes live on: This time her name really is Karen
Another day, another Karen, another opportunity for the internet to create Karen memes. Except this time, on January 18, 2021, the Karen in question was actually named Karen. In the words of acclaimed filmmaker M. Night Shyamalan: “What a twist!”
At any rate, Karen Turner’s her name, and refusing to wear a facemask is her game. Yes, facemasks are still the cause of tantrums. One year into the global pandemic that turned them into a political hot button. Somehow, people who don’t want to wear masks haven’t figured out it’s easier to avoid going places that enforce mask-use. Case in point: this Karen and her visit to Marc’s Deeper Discount in Brook Park, Ohio.
Call the manager
Look, if we tell you Karen Turner is a fifty-five-year old white woman who doesn’t like wearing a facemask, you can probably piece the basics of the story together. You can imagine Karen going into the Ohio supermarket and reacting with indignation when employees asked her to put a facemask on. You can picture her defiance when management asked her to leave if she wasn’t going to wear a facemask.
You’ve seen all those Karen memes, so you know Karen got belligerent and decided to stand her ground. You know it only got worse once the police showed up, because Karen’s gotta Karen. This Karen in particular asked the cops if there was a federal law decreeing she had to wear a facemask. When the officers replied there was a state mandate saying so, Karen accused them of not knowing the law.
Again, you’ve seen the Karen memes, so you can bet your mask-wearing liberal booty Karen made a scene, forcing the police to drag her out of the store. With utter Karen-ness, she promised to sue the cops. When the officers tried to take her purse away as they loaded her into a patrol car, she started flopping around and kicking wildly. It wasn’t pretty, but then again, Karen shenanigans never are.
Do you know the law?
Here’s yet another reason why police body cameras are important: so footage of Karens being arrested can make it out onto the internet, and so Karen memes can be nourished by said footage. Future Karens: maybe think twice when picking which hills to die on, so the service industry doesn’t have to deal with Karens so often.
The best part of the body camera footage might be towards the end, when the officers have finally managed to take Karen’s purse. Karen, handcuffed in the back of the cruiser, screams a warning: “You go through my cellphone, you’re in–”, but then the car door is slammed shut and cuts her off. What’s funny is that the final warning implies Karen doesn’t know how to lock her phone.
Anyway, Karen Turner was charged with resisting arrest, criminal trespassing, and failure to disclose information, according to records filed in Berea Municipal Court. Unsurprisingly, she pleaded not guilty to all charges, even though there’s a video floating online that pretty much proves she’s guilty. In another classic Karen turn of events, she was released on a $5,000 bond.
Illegal searching!
Karen Turner is the latest participant in a string of unfortunate incidents involving women throwing tantrums due to a mixture of ignorance & entitlement. You know, Karens. Karen memes. It’s funny until it happens to you, whether you’re an employee at Marc’s Deeper Discount or a police officer responding to a Karen call.
And, let’s be fair, it has to be hell for good Karens. Especially when they’ve probably been working really hard to dissociate from Karen memes – and along comes Karen Turner, pretty much officially giving Karen memes a true Karen endorsement. Yikes.
Anyway, where are those Karen Turner memes? Come on, internet!