What Mercury Retrograde is and how to get through it in 2021
Kicking off the first week of February with Mercury in retrograde, you might wonder what this might mean for you – well, we’re here to unfold all the astrological mumbo-jumbo (like what’s Mercury retrograde) so you can leverage the planetary positions to your advantage. Or, in the least, know why you’ve been feeling so freaking misunderstood lately!
Already in the second month of an anticipated year, February of 2021 apparently has plenty to offer than just Valentine’s Day celebrations. With Mercury retrograde transpiring at the moment, there might be more chances of Mercurial blunders and less of romantic telepathy. (Phrases like “baby, you just get me” can take a backseat.)
More specifically, Mercury is in the eleventh sign of Aquarius, the waterbearer (for the last time, Aquarius isn’t a water sign!) and will be there with Saturn, Jupiter, Venus and the sun for most of the month. The moon will also be joining these planets in the sign of humanity & service on the new moon on the 11th. That said, without further ado, let’s see what’s all the fuss about Mercury retrograde.
Mercury retrograde: a time of review
Mercury is known as the planet of communication and it went “retrograde” aka perceived to reverse in its orbital path on January 30th at 26° of Tropical Aquarius and will stay retrograde in Aquarius until February 20th. Hence, for the next three weeks, this transit allows us to revisit our past and learn more about our present selves.
Furthermore, this year’s Mercury retrograde perfectly concurs with Venus entering Aquarius this month. Venus represents our values in who, what, and why we love – so, with the planet in with Aquarius, it could mean that our values of friendship, societal stance, worldviews, and certain predicaments are reevaluated.
The powerful mix of Mercury retrograde with Venus in Aquarius is bound to invite “clarity, commitment, and discernment” according to Well+Good, especially in the sense of problem-solving. Essentially, the week ahead brings in time for review & reflection and asks for clarity of thought, leading up to a new path & beginning.
The Great Conjunction
The Mercury retrograde this year also takes place in the sign of the recent Great Conjunction. On last December’s solstice, planets Jupiter & Saturn conjoined at 0° of Aquarius, setting in motion the Great Conjunction of 2020 – “a new epoch in history”.
What’s Mercury retrograde in the Great Conjunction? Well, it means connecting intimately with humanity and others of our kind with similar values. We’re already noticing this change within us as we all relate to one another via hope & despair in the dire coronavirus-pandemic situation.
Along with a deep need for unity & acceptance, the new planetary influence also calls us to be forward thinking. Having forethought such as goals & plans, no matter how big or small, are said to facilitate uncertain times. While you may have shucked future-planning after the turn of events last year, astrology suggests to give it another try this year as the planets are literally aligning to be in your favor. *fingers crossed*
Valentine’s Day setbacks
Unfortunately, Mercury retrograde when Venus is in the same sign isn’t the best time for romance. So, if you feel disconnected with your partner or a large elephant of miscommunication is prevalent or you’re just not “in the mood” – the culprit is Mercury retrograde (plus the self-indulging Venus being closeby).
For the V-Day that’s right around the corner, watch out for mishaps with your partner, social media drama, and/or texts from exes, especially since both Mercury & Aquarius oversee technological matters. Cliché scenarios like a meddling bestie, technological errors (gasp, sending wrong text), and other sticky situations may manifest so it’s better to lay low and spend a relaxed holiday with your boo this love season.
However, even if some of the troublesome events do occur, don’t worry, the week following Valentine’s Day will also be in Mercury retrograde, meaning it is also the best time to make amends, reinvent yourself, and strengthen the bond in your relationship.
What’s Mercury retrograde? You asked and we answered! Let us know how Mercury retrograde has been treating you in the comments!