Creepy organizations: These groups are the definition of a cult
Just like hate, cult is a strong word that some organizations definitely do not want to use to define themselves. Heaven’s Gate didn’t call themselves a cult, and neither did the Branch Davidians. But for the rest of time, these groups will be remembered as the definition of a cult.
At some point or another, we’ll be remembering these groups as cults as well. Just because they’re not “called” cults doesn’t mean they’re definition not cult-like. Heck, past members of these organizations may even call these groups cults themselves.
Multi-level marketing (MLMs)
Look, we don’t care how many explanations you’ve gotten from your high school friend selling essential oils or diet products. MLMs are pyramid schemes that have a cult like energy from them. Just look at a MLM convention to prove the cult atmosphere.
Sure, back in the day, companies like Pampered Chef, Avon, and Mary Kay were MLMs that actually let people be fairly successful in a side gig. But the explosion of MLMs in the past 20 years has proven that this is no longer a successful business practice for people. All they’re left with is fake friends that will ditch them the minute they stop making their monthly goals.
This is on the same level of people who are actually convinced reptiles run our governments. This French religious group preaches that extraterrestrials created humanity through genetic engineering, and their representatives have come to Earth in the form of figures such as Jesus Christ and Budda.
Granted, we have to give them some credit as they preach a message of peace on Earth. Though, they want world peace so the extraterrestrial overloads will come back to Earth and visit humans at the embassies built by Raëlismists.
If you’re familiar with Parks and Rec, this Ron Swanson but literally no connection to the outside world. The Brethren join under the understanding that to prepare for the end of the world, they need to give up all belongings and live off the land until the end.
There’s also no celebrations or playing within the Brethren as they believe such celebrations should be saved for the return of the savior when the world ends. Unfortunately, if someone joins the Brethren, oftentimes they’ll leave their family and friends behind with no warning, leading to many Brethren members having missing persons notices out on them.
The Family International
While the group has gone through rebranding over the years, the stories children raised in the cult tell, including Rose McGowan, and the Phoenix children (River, Joaquin, Rain, and Summer) have us concerned regardless.
The organization believes they’re in a sexual relationship with Jesus, and uses sex in their teachings of God’s love and mercy. Initially, it was a big hit for converts, but it allegedly also caused several cases of child sexual abuse throughout the many communes of TFI.
Probably the most famous modern day cult, Scientology promotes itself as a religious organization based on scientific research. But then you realize this is the same organization that believes humans can live multiple lives, humans are immortal, and humans possess infinite capabilities.
And now you understand why Tom Cruise does such insane stunts in Mission Impossible, because he doesn’t think he’ll die ever. But the organization is well known for keeping its practices secret and basically getting ready to attack anyone who says a bad thing about the organization. So if our website goes down, you know why.