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Do you think Kate Middleton will bring Prince William and Harry back together? Sources claim she might be the key. Check out the sibling feud.

Prince William and Harry: Will Kate Middleton squash the sibling feud?

Our favorite British brothers – Prince Harry & Prince William seem to have drifted apart for quite some time. The prolonged royal “feud” between them has reportedly gotten worse after Prince Harry & Meghan Markle’s interview with Oprah Winfrey. But let’s see where this alleged feud started. 

Time heals all wounds

According to People, Prince William has been deeply hurt by the Duke & Duchess of Sussex’s decision to step down as senior members of the royal family back in January 2020. 

A source told The Sunday Times: “Once he (Prince William) got over the anger of how things happened, he was left with the absence of his brother . . . They shared everything about their lives, an office, a foundation, meetings together most days and there was a lot of fun along the way. He’ll miss it forever.” 

Another inside source reportedly told The Sunday Times that Prince William is still “upset” by the situation but knows that their “relationship will heal in time.”

Sussexes reveals all

Though Prince Harry’s brother is saddened by his decision to leave the royal family, which the Duke & Duchess of Sussex claimed they did out of fear of the media and for their mental health, People reminds us that Harry explained to Oprah Winfrey: “I love William to bits. He’s my brother. We’ve been through hell together . . . But we are on different paths. 

On the other hand, Meghan Markle also responded to Oprah Winfrey about rumors about “making Kate Middleton cry”. However, Markle claimed that the Duchess of Cambridge actually made her cry during the week of her royal wedding and that she doesn’t understand how the opposite became news to the public. 

According to Vogue, Markle added: “So much of what I have seen play out is this idea of polarity, if you love me, you don’t have to hate her. And if you love her, you don’t need to hate me.”

The couple also revealed to Winfrey that someone in the royal family was allegedly concerned about Archie’s skin color before he was even born. This definitely caused a lot of turmoil for the brothers. After the interview was broadcasted, NBC News reported, Prince William stated that they’re “very much not a racist family” and that he plans to speak to his brother soon. 

“One call away” 

Since their initial departure, the royal duo reportedly didn’t speak for quite some time, but after the Oprah Winfrey interview, CBS host Gayle King told fans that Prince William & Harry have recently spoken and this may look like they’re heading in the right direction. 

King stated: “Well, I’m not trying to break news, but I did actually call them (Harry & Meghan) to see how they were feeling, and it’s true, Harry has talked to his brother and he talked to his father too.”

Gayle King further explained: “The word I was given was that those conversations were not productive. But they are glad they have at least started a conversation . . . And I think what is still upsetting to them is the palace keeps saying they want to work it out privately, but yet, they believe these false stories are coming out that are very disparaging against Meghan, still.”

Prince Philip’s funeral 

On April 9th 2021, Buckingham Palace announced that the Duke of Edinburgh, Prince Philip passed away peacefully at Windsor Castle. According to CNN, Prince Harry is ready to go back to the UK to pay his respects, however his wife Meghan Markle will not be joining as she’s “expecting the couple’s second baby this summer” and was medically advised to stay home. 

Though Prince Philip won’t have the entire Commonwealth in attendance, the Duke of Edinburgh will be surrounded by his close family and some royal staff. As a matter of fact, the UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson will not be attending to make room for another royal member as NBC News noted. 

However, Page Six reported that Prince William’s wife and mother of three – Kate Middleton is reportedly ready to “act as a peacemaker” between William & Harry. The publication also reported that they will “put on a unified front for the Queen”.

The royal source added: “They know it is not about them on Saturday – it is about honoring their grandfather’s memory and supporting their grandmother . . . I would be extremely surprised if that wasn’t front and center of both their minds. They will be keen to spend time together as a family, in the same time zone for once.” 

Do you think Kate Middleton will be able to handle both mourning brothers alone? Let us know in the comments below. 

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