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Fannibals are not happy with the 'Silence of the Lambs' latest renewal. Here’s everything you need to know about 'Clarice' on CBS.

‘Clarice’: Everything you need to know

You know if studios want more Hannibal based content, then why not just revive the version that people actually want to see? Sad to say, folks, we’re not talking about an actual Hannibal revival. Nope, we’re talking about the series focused on Clarice Starling. It’s moving forward and the Fannibals are not happy with it. Why? Well, Hannibal lasted three seasons, got cancelled, and so drifted off to the ether despite a passionate fan campaign to get it renewed.

Now you’re asking the fans to care about a new series that is not a Hannibal revival? Yeah, no thanks. 

If we’re going to go in with a burning dislike for the mere existence of the series, then let’s do it with all the facts at least. Here’s everything you need to know about Clarice on CBS. 

Post Silence of the Lambs

The series will take place following the events of the famed film in 1993. It will, according to the synopsis, “explore the untold personal story of its title character as she returns to work pursuing serial murderers and sexual predators while navigating Washington, D.C. politics.”

It looks like Clarice has taken a pretty decent gap in between her dealings with Hannibal (Anthony Hopkins in the movie) and her return to work. More frustratingly, Hannibal, the most memorable part of Silence of the Lambs, will not even be in the series.


Clarice apparently somehow has a magnetic draw for psychopaths

You may think that we’re being sarcastic here, but we’re not. This is literally in the character description for Clarice when searching for actresses to play. We quote,  Clarice is described as “brilliant and vulnerable” and has a bravery that allows her to possess “an inner light that draws monsters and madmen to her. Her complex psychological makeup comes from a challenging childhood, and her drive comes from her need to escape the burden of family secrets that have haunted her throughout her life.”

So Clarice is basically a summoning beacon for psychopaths around her that’s just great to know.  

Plus we already had a “brilliant and vulnerable” person who could deeply empathize with killers and his name was Will Graham. Alex Kurtzman has essentially created a female Will Graham in Clarice without a Hannibal.

We have our Clarice

Rebecca Breeds, best known for her work on The CW’s The Originals, will play the role of Clarice Starling in the CBS series. Before we get started, please don’t harass the actress over getting work here, okay? It’s not her fault that Hannibal fans just get screwed over. 

Breeds will take over the role from Jodie Foster, who played Clarice in the 1991 Silence of the Lambs film adaptation. 

All we want is Hannibal 

In a world where Hannibal never existed, there probably would be less fandom controversy surrounding Clarice. Hannibal, however, existed and it was good. It also deserved a fourth season rather than a series about a character that people only sort of care about. 

Hannibal made too big of a mark and it’s going to overshadow Clarice in the long-run. Not too mention, Hannibal fans are rightly upset that no one seems to care about their beloved series getting the attention and the end it deserves except for them. 

Also, seriously with the no Hannibal on the series? Seriously?

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