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The chemical which is used in the removal of algae is called sodium bromide. This is an organic compound which contains a high melting white crystalline solid, which is like sodium chloride. It is used for its germicidal properties, so it’s extremely effective with sanitizing water. Sodium bromide is a pesticide which is useful in formulating liquid microdiodes which are particularly effective for the control of algae removal, as well as other bacterial and fungal slimes for water treatments. 

Sodium bromide is used for the cleaning of systems which are compatible with bromide and chlorine compounds. It is a naturally occurring element which is found in the surface of waters and groundwater. During the treatment of drinking water, bromide can combine with the chlorine and other disinfectants which all contribute to the formation of toxic tap water disinfection byproducts. 


The most common colouration of algae is green. This is caused by filtration problems or the water being hazy, as the algae likes to cling to the walls of a swimming pool, otherwise it will float on the surface of the water. A bloom of green algae will cause the water to become green in colour, as the algae forms small spots which collect and form into a green slime. 

To remove the green algae, firstly check the filtration and pump systems, in addition to noting the temperature of the water. Applying a flocculent will shock the green algae and remove any that is suspended in the water. By testing the chemical and filtration levels, this method should prove to be an effective treatment. 


The best method of removing algae in swimming pools is by controlling the chlorine levels. In addition to this, maintaining a good water balance, running the filtration system each day and by adding algaecide to the water system once per week are all important factors. 

The alkalinity rating should be 100ppm and a ph should be 7.2 and the cyanuric acid level should be 30 and 50. These are the best possible levels in which to prevent and stop the formation of algae before it becomes a problem. 

Another method of removing algae, particularly from drinking water is by using a water filter. The type of water filter which is needed will depend upon the algae itself. If the algae happens to be blue or green in colour, then this is also a form of bacteria. In this case nanofiltration, reverse osmosis and ultrafiltration are normally the most beneficial methods.


The product which is used to kill algae permanently is bleach. The necessary ratio is one quarter teaspoon for each gallon of water. Bleach is an ideal solution for eliminating algae as well as other organisms and prevents it from returning. Scientific research has proven that bleach is extremely effective in treating the algae.

Bleach has the ability to penetrate the algae by burning through it which is effective in its removal. In some cases, it can prove to be beneficial for some water to be added as well. It’s important to follow the exact instructions while using bleach by measuring the correct levels. It usually takes a limited amount of time for the bleach to begin breaking the algae apart and removing it from the water. 


Algae itself are tiny organisms which live in freshwater. They are most common during the summer months as they use sunlight, and the warm water becomes stagnant. They can grow excessively and exposure to this water can cause various health conditions, such as nausea, vomiting, skin or eye congestion, throat irritations, allergic reactions, breathing difficulties, respiratory issues, hay fever symptoms or fevers, these are all caused by the harmful toxins in the algae.

It’s extremely important to take every precaution possible to prevent algae from developing into a water source. Having fresh, clean water is a vital component of life and necessary for drinking, sanitation, crops, livestock, and creating and sustaining eco systems. Life depends upon the quality of water for general health and wellbeing.

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