Is Sidney the hottest of the ‘Sanditon’ cast? Share if you want more of him
Let’s be honest for a moment, shall we? Sanditon is filled with pretty people, in pretty costumes, flitting about on pretty landscapes and sets. Sanditon is visually appealing in every way. It’s one of the many reasons us fans enjoy the series so much.
Of course, this includes Sidney Parker, played by Theo James – the apple of the fandom’s eye. Sidney is prickly on the outside, sweet on the inside, and very handsome. Not entirely unlike a pineapple, though certainly not Lady Denham’s pineapple.
Today, to remind us what we’re all fighting for, we’ve compiled some of Sidney’s best moments.
The boat scene
This. Whole. Scene. The romance was just dripping off this scene and it wasn’t a quick scene either. The directors were kind enough to let this moment linger and take its time.
This scene shows just how much Sidney has changed over the course of the season. Rather than being curt and rude like he was when he first met Charlotte, in this scene he’s patient and sweet as he teaches her how to row the boat. It’s endearing, intimate, and displays how much respect he’s gained for Charlotte.
With the children
Charlotte and Sidney playing with Tom and Mary’s kids is a really sweet moment, and also a turning point in the show. It’s great to see Sidney’s playful side, which he has pretty much entirely locked away inside himself, until this moment.
It’s also one of the first times Charlotte gets to see the more tender side of Sidney, and you can tell she likes it.
Despite the change in Sidney’s character we really don’t get very many moments in season one where he isn’t brusk, rushed, or stressed. We need season two so we can better get to know the kinder side of him.
Saving Charlotte
The damsel in distress trope is often insulting, overdone, and unnecessary . . . but sometimes it’s done just right and we don’t mind it. Sometimes a girl doesn’t want to have to save herself even if she can.
When Charlotte winds up a little lost in London, after dark, and wandering about in a seedy district, a predatory man sees his chance and goes after her. Lucky for Miss. Heywood, Sidney Parker was following the same trail as her and saves her by beating up the man.
Now, it’s important to note Sidney saves Charlotte before he ever knew it was her in trouble. Sidney is just the kind of guy to step in when he sees injustice and wrongdoing, whether it affects him or not. That’s a good man right there, and we love a good man.
The carriage chase
Sanditon went a little Fast and Furious on us with a high speed carriage chase, and we loved it. It was tense, it was dramatic, and Sidney Parker jumped from his carriage onto the one which contained the kidnapped Georgiana – let us just state it plainly, it was hot. 🔥
Not only was Sidney’s passion to keep his ward safe enough to warm our hearts, but his dedication and willingness to risk his physical wellbeing to save her was also pretty sexy of him.
Unbridled horses can reach up to 55 miles an hour, so (we’re guessing now because Google didn’t help) one could estimate a two horse team with those carriages might be able to hit somewhere between 35-45 miles an hour for a short period of time, such as the one in this scene. Jumping from one carriage to the other was a very impressive physical accomplishment.
The walk
Sidney is supposed to accompany Charlotte to town, but ends up taking her to the bluffs instead, which are quite out of the way. When Charlotte calls him out he gets rather bashful and offers to turn course, but to his delight Charlotte doesn’t mind.
It’s a really small moment (until they finally kiss for the first time, then it’s a really big deal), but it also feels like one of the more realistic and relatable moments in the show. Someone doing whatever they can to spend just a little more time with their crush, is always cute, and this moment nearly made our hearts burst.
The beach scene
You already know what we’re talking about. You’ve probably been waiting through this entire article for us to mention it. Sidney walking out of the ocean completely naked is obviously one of the hottest and steamiest moments in the whole show.
In fact, we’re not even really sure what else to say about it, it speaks for itself honestly.
Thanks Brynley! this is a great article that we love. Hoping for more and another season.
June 24, 2020Valerie Mahgoul
I cannot do Twitter. Please add my voice to the request of Amazon Prime UK to do a second season. Thank you.
June 25, 2020Linda Ford
Hope they do more of Sanditon. Beautiful love story. Sydney is hot. Enjoy watching him.
June 26, 2020Allie
Please make season 2 of sanditon what a wonderful show and we need to see a happy ending so bring on season 2 should be more shows like it.
June 28, 2020Cynthia
Wonderful article! #SaveSanditon
June 24, 2020Katie
#SaveSanditon!!!!! Yes, We need more of Sidney!!! Give us another season
June 26, 2020Camille
Sidney, Sidney, Sidey…I hope Charlotte come back slightly older, all the wiser and more confident after a broken heart always does. Eat your heart out Sidney. I sure hope there’s a season two, we have been in suspense waiting patiently…
June 27, 2020Allison O'Brien
Wonderful cast. Just want a happy ever after for Sydney and Charlotte.
June 29, 2020Katy
Another great article Brynley! Sidney definitely is a conundrum but we love him regardless!
June 24, 2020Ann Austin
Definitely need more of Sidney!
June 24, 2020Lise Dames
Another great article, Brynley. Thank you for sharing this.
June 24, 2020Joyce The Voice
Loved Sanditon and Sidney. Definitely want more.
June 26, 2020Deborah Butler
Need another season of Sanditon! Not fair to leave us with the unrequited love between Sidney and Charlotte.
June 28, 2020Marsha H Smith
Sidney is adorable but he needs to right by Charlotte, PLEASE !
June 24, 2020Charlotte
Loved all those scenes. He is very handsome. Sandition was an excellent show. I really hope some network or streaming service picks it up for more seasons.
June 24, 2020Petra Fernandez ceballos
Holita. ME A SABIDO A POCO .Quiero a.. cuando empieza la segunda temporada .Que sea pronto por favor.Gracias y un besote grande.
June 25, 2020P. Mayer
Theo James and Rose Williams are equals in Sandition. Theo has everything a movie star needs to be famous. His looks and his manly ways of over whelming woman viewers. Also, Rose is very beautiful and her big soft brown eyes charm viewers. Women viewers relate to her handling of a difficult romance. Also Rose has a beautiful figure and Theo has a great physical body. They both are movie stars.
June 25, 2020Patricia Castro
Oh Sidney….you have stolen my Austenian heart!!! Sanditon is perfection…and I need more of it!!! xoxo
June 25, 2020Petra Fernandez ceballos
Que sea pronto la siguiente temporada me a sabido a poco muy poco.un besote grande.
June 25, 2020Ginny Albert
Theo James! Ever since he died on Downton Abbey i couldn’t wait to see him in another period drama. Then came Sanditon! He must be called back to reprise the role. Our hearts are aching!
June 25, 2020W.L.J
Yes yes yes more of Sidney.
Much more
Do not let anyone but Theo James play him!!!!
He and Rose have GOT to end up with each other
June 25, 2020Gilda
These are my favorite scenes as well, just so tender and beautiful who couldn’t want more. Heck I can write the whole 2nd season and start the 3rd. So much material to work even Jane would approve. Onward to more of Sanditon!
June 25, 2020Annette
Yes, please! More Sanditon.
June 25, 2020Sue
I absolutely loved everything about the first series of Sanditon. Watching the romance blossom between Sidney and Charlotte was so beautifully done. Theo James is the most gorgeously handsome man and Rose is so beautiful. Please please give us season 2.
June 26, 2020Debra Lawson
June 25, 2020Thanks again for a wonderful, well thought out article on the need for a Sanditon 2.
Tee Rush
Whether there’s a season 2 or not (hopefully yes), all the characters are relatable. The ending of coarse leaves us wondering, but it is suitable enough if there isn’t another season. Sidney is sooooo fine!! No substitutes will do for either character.
June 25, 2020ELAINE
Most definitely!! The beautiful love story between Charlotte and Sidney (Reminiscent of the film “Gi gi” ) is the most enchanting main part of the story of Sanditon. It needs finishing. It is a wonderful coming of age story.
June 25, 2020Rena Foster
I rather. Stringer for Charlotte he is Calm Humbly and know what he really want in his Life to go further and to move up the Ladder he really like Charlotte for what she is but sydney is blinding her from what a real man is .sydney is very insulting and arrogant always thinking he is a Big Wheel.and so is Eliza maybe they deserve each other.
June 25, 2020Martha
I agree with you wholeheartedly!!
June 25, 2020Samantha
It makes no sense that it was not renewed. This article has me sad all over again.
June 25, 2020Carol Cohen
More Sanditon please!
June 25, 2020Mary
PLEASE BRING BACK SANDITON. , Ended far too soon, must see more of these two beautiful characters, ……..
June 25, 2020Susan
Definitely need a second or third season for Sanditon. Theo James’ character of Sydney embodies so many emotions and from the initial adverse characterisation, you begin to love hid personality development. Yes, he is a wonderful male Austen character.
June 25, 2020Faith
June 25, 2020Rose
I agree 100 ^..we need a least one m ore season
We Can Not leave it likethis…Jane would NEVER have left it unfinished an hanging…. unresolved
June 25, 2020Carmel
Great article about this wonderful drama.
June 25, 2020Hey there the London dance scene is my fave…they are both circling and ready to move in and connect. Definitely the most tasteful and yet sexy scene in a period drama I have ever seen. Sidney and Charlotte on fire!
We need another ball and dance in a season two to round out their story. Come on, let’s get it happening!
Someone please bring Sanditon back
June 25, 2020Ruth Thurber Maugaotega
He’s yummy !!! Definitely need season 2 and even season 3 ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️🔥🔥🔥🔥
June 25, 2020Shary
There needs to be another season. Please!!!!!!!
June 26, 2020Cindybec
Loved the first series but the Sidney and Charlotte story is not over……need more , please give us more
June 26, 2020Christine
Please bring on season 2 with Theo James and Rose Williams. Jane Austen would never have left one of her no oks with such an unhappy ending. And I cannot get Theo James out of my head!
June 26, 2020Gilly
I can’t believe how Sanditon ended Sidney and Charlotte need a HEA together
June 26, 2020E.Kearney
More Sanditon! #SaveSanditon
June 26, 2020Pam
Please let there be another season of Sanditon! I watched it and I’m hooked! #addictedtosanditon #savesanditon
June 26, 2020Nora
Very well written!! We need a season 2 to tie up all the loose ends
June 26, 2020Jacqueline
Please make another season. I loved this series and Theo James is without a doubt, hot.
June 26, 2020The series deserves a better ending and I hope we get to see a happy ever after.
I will keep hoping that the powers that be will listen to the loyal fans of this show.
Yes, We absolutely need more SANDITON, PLEASE!!!
June 27, 2020Angie
Please please please a second series of Sanditon, it can’t be left the way it was I need more Sidney and Charlotte!
June 27, 2020Judy swid
One of the best mini series yet. Jane Austin would have been proud of it. Would love to see more of James Theo and his love for Charlotte.
June 27, 2020Cydne
Mais oui! Who wouldn’t want more Sidney? He’s divine!
June 27, 2020Ave
The week couldn’t go by fast enough!! Love Sandition…we need that Type of show right now!!
June 27, 2020Lynn Smith
Oh yes, please bring back this show. Love the cast and especially these 2 main characters. Their chemistry was amazing. I was so disappointed when it left us hanging. Let’s finish this story, please.
June 28, 2020Ann Sertijn
He is definitely the hottest man in Sanditon.
June 28, 2020By saving his brother from bankruptcy , he loses Charlotte.
No Jane Austen movie/book can ever end this way!
Let us have season 2, please
Love, love, love Theo!!! #Save Sanditon!!!!
June 29, 2020Anne
This series was so excellent! Perfect casting of Theo and Rose! My heart broke at he end of season 1. This is unfinished- we need a season 2 desperately!
June 29, 2020D. Parker Matthews
I’m so grateful for all of the Sidney & Charlotte scenes. Thank you. I have watched so many videos on YouTube and the entire Season 1 on PBS, I could write the next 8 episodes and a Season 3. Let’s keep this going.
June 29, 2020Maria Lewis
What a great article, THANK YOU for recognizing our obsession and a really terrific series. We need more Seasons, with the same cast, and cannot wait!!!
June 29, 2020Shynell
Yes the show was wonderful Sidney played the part well and rose was great we need more of this show
June 30, 2020Campos
More sanditon!
June 30, 2020