Vote for the Earpers for Best Fandom in the Bingewatch Awards
Wynonna Earp is the supernatural Western show from Syfy (available on Netflix) that’s always ripe for a bingewatch. It rivals our girl Supergirl in the fun stakes, but also foregrounds an impossibly ruthless heroine (played by Melanie Scrofano) with whom we dare you not to fall in love.
Last year we were as shocked as y’all when our gun-toting girl crush, #WynonnaEarp, began trending on Twitter – and not for a good reason. A shocking brouhaha went down surrounding the production of season four, which meant no more happy endings in the demon-laden town of Purgatory.
But all’s well that ends well, apparently: according to Vulture, pre-production is finally underway. Perhaps Wynonna Earp’s production company, IDW, got a payday loan. A representative for them stated the Earp team would return to the writer’s room in November, with cameras rolling come January. We can expect S4 on our goggle boxes next summer.
While waiting to hear more about it (Spill that tea, Emily Andras!) we nominated Wynonna Earp for Best Fandom in the Bingewatch Awards. The Earpers are one of the strongest fandoms in the ‘verse. They’ve saved their show from cancellation more times than we can count, and they help each other out with kinship everyday online and IRL.
We’re reprinting this old interview with the Wynonna Earp fans to drive home the point that the Earpers absolutely deserve the Bingewatch Award for Best Fandom.
When did you start watching Wynonna Earp?
Last summer I started watching it on Netflix.
What drew you to the show?
A friend suggested it, and then I got my aunt hooked on it.
What about the show makes it so special?
Everything. It’s got its own set of rules and redeemable characters; every one of the main characters seem human. They have their dark spots, but don’t we all?
What special issues does Wynonna Earp emphasize?
LGBTQI+, definitely – a positive portrayal! Emily doesn’t seem to believe in the trope of “burying your gays” like so many other shows seem to do. They’re main characters, not just supporting players to prop up the hetero lead.
Why does Wynonna Earp need to be on TV?
Because there’s so much story we haven’t seen! There are loose ends from the end of season 3 we need answers to. It’s also the perfect show to help you escape from the crap of the day-to-day.
How do you watch Wynonna Earp?
Live on SYFY when it’s airing. I also watch on Netflix.
What’s your favorite online place to meet other fans of your show?
What do you dislike about Wynonna Earp?
Nothing really.
What do you dislike about the Wynonna Earp fandom?
I can’t think of anything. For the most part Earpers are amazing individuals.
If you could change anything about Wynonna Earp, what would it be?
More episodes. And DVDs available in the US.
Who is your favorite character?
Wynonna, Nicole, and Waverly
What was your favorite episode so far?
Honestly: any of the episodes where we get Wynonna & Nicole interacting and getting into shenanigans.
What do you hope will eventually happen in Wynonna Earp?
WayHaught wedding. I want to see Alice, and see Wynonna and Doc being parents.
Who is your favorite actor/actress in Wynonna Earp?
Kat Barrell
When did you start watching Wynonna Earp?
June 2018
What drew you to Wynonna Earp?
I was looking for series with strong female representation and lgbt representation. And Wynonna Earp showed up.
What about Wynonna Earp makes it so special?
The humor in this show is amazing. I mean, the words they come up with sometimes are just hilarious. Wynonna is literally the best at nicknames and funny words. Although my absolute favorite word to use came from Waverly. I literally say “Fudgenuggets” whenever something goes wrong. Is it in the elevator or on my motorcycle, it’s the first thing popping in my head :D
What special issues does Wynonna Earp emphasize?
LGBT representation, strong female characters.
Why does Wynonna Earp need to be on TV?
Because it helps so many people to get through hard times and the cast is so amazing with their fans. They interact with us and show us that they are not better than us, they are so down to earth which makes them and the show even more unique and special.
In the past years, there have been so many amazing TV series that have been cancelled due to bad marketing or money issues but Wynonna Earp cannot be one of them because this show touches so many hearts and we just need more seasons of it!
How do you watch Wynonna Earp?
I watch it on my laptop on Netflix but also bought some episodes from season 3 on iTunes.
What’s your favorite online place to meet other fans of Wynonna Earp?
It was Facebook at first in groups. Now on Twitter as well.
What do you dislike about Wynonna Earp?
Nothing. It has everything. Love, pain, sadness, humor, girl power; Everything that makes a series powerful and lovable.
What do you dislike about the Wynonna Earp fandom?
I didn’t like how people treated Ray for being with Kat. After all Kat and Dom are only a couple on the series. Fans shouldn’t confuse of what’s real and what isn’t.
If you could change anything about Wynonna Earp, what would it be?
I would have Wynonna ride her motorcycle more ;)
Who is your favorite character?
That’s a difficult one. I love Wynonna’s humor, Waverly’s cuteness. Everyone has something. But I guess, I must say Nicole Haught.
What was your favorite episode so far?
“I Fall to Pieces” – Season 3 Episode 7
What do you hope will eventually happen in Wynonna Earp?
That Doc and Wynonna get their baby girl back. And that Nicole and Waverly will get married. Wynonna will teach Doc how to ride a motorcycle ;)
Who is your favorite actor/actress in Wynonna Earp?
Again, difficult to choose. They are all so amazing! But got to go with Katherine Barrell again.
What do you think of the showrunner?
Emily Andras likes to make the fans suffer sometimes, not in a bad way, but for example when there was this episode where Nicole is trying to get the ring off of Waverly’s finger, everybody thought something else was going on but nope, just some random ring removing procedure lol
Have you made friends in the fandom?
Yes, I have made some amazing friends in this fandom!
How did you make friends?
I met my besties on a Facebook group for WayHaught. But am meeting more people now over Twitter as well.
Have you attended any fandom events? Which ones?
Unfortunately there are not many Earpers in Malta, EU. So no, I didn’t go to any fandom events yet. But I will be attending LoveFanFest in June to meet Melanie, Katherine and Dominique. Super excited.
How did the show get you through dark times?
I was having trouble accepting that I liked girls and was too shy to talk about it. But this series made me realize, that there is nothing to be ashamed of and now I’m open about it to everyone. And it made me stronger.
Also, I didn’t know what to do with my life, career wise and I saw so many different photoshop manipulations on the groups and I wanted to do that too. I started my graphic design course last year in October and couldn’t be happier. All I did from then on was making Photoshop manipulations for Wynonna Earp and Co. This show helped me find my way.
How did the fandom support you in times of need?
This is the best fandom I have ever seen. Don’t think I ever felt this much home when talking to fellow Earpers. They are always happy to help and listen whenever they can.
Have you ever read fanfiction from members of the fandom?
Yes, I love fanfiction.
What’s your favorite piece of fanfiction that you have read from the fandom?
“The Grind”
If your show were cancelled, what lengths would you go to save Wynonna Earp?
Well, we are scared for our show right now due to money problems from the publisher. So, all of us found a way to fight it. Through posts on Twitter, showing the publisher how much we love the show and need it. Through billboards on Times Square showing everyone how much this show means to all of us. Create photoshop manipulations to #FightForWynonna.
What lengths will you go to save Wynonna Earp?
I have also bought a billboard on Times Square for Wynonna Earp. I was on job search at that time but this show means so much to me that I had to do it and support the show in any way I could. I also make videos/photos to show my passion for the show.
My next plan is to print a lot of stickers with “FightforWynonna and Watch Wynonna Earp” and put them all over Malta, so people start watching and Netflix finally gets the point that we need season 3 on there and like that there would be more money to create season 4 of Wynonna Earp.
Do you have anything else to add?
Just that this show is so important to many of us and that there would be a lot of broken hearts if it was cancelled. We need this kind of representation! #FightForWynonna
When did you start watching Wynonna Earp?
What drew you to Wynonna Earp?
You know I can’t actually remember how I came upon Wynonna Earp but boy, am I glad I did. The first episode “Purgatory” caught my attention like wildfire. So many things happen!
A quippy, leather-clad brunette lays the smackdown on some demon-looking doesn’t ten minutes into the show, whisky drinking, getting shot at by (surprise surprise ) her SISTER. Big gun, tiny girl… what is even going on?! I had to know more. I had serious questions. Some binge watching and half a bag of pretzels left, my mind was blown.
What about the Wynonna Earp makes it so special?
I would have to say the trials and tribulations the characters face and overcome speak so loudly to so many people. The dialogue is “top shelf”character wardrobe is awesome, and the overall tone of the show can go from broody to chaos in a bar in the blink of an eye.
What special issues does Wynonna Earp emphasize?
We have arrived at a very influential time for queer representation in today’s television and I am here for it! Having been let down with past shows I am always hesitant to delve deep into my admiration for LGBTQI characters but Waverly Earp and Nicole Haught’s unfolding relationship does not disappoint. Their connection not only gives hope for all of us at home, but it breathes a big sigh of relief as well.
Wynonna struggles with the fear of letting her family down. You see her coming to terms with the all too sudden realization that not only was her life hectic enough… now she has to tackle the mystical duty of dispatching demon revenants in the name of all that is good and right in the world with a magical gun passed down to her by her ancestor Wyatt Earp? This show is plumb nuts and I love it.
John Henry Holliday otherwise known as “Doc” has his own mishaps and “demons” to wrestle with as well. Stricken with tuberculosis in his prime, he struck a deal with a witch to prolong his death, much to his best friend Wyatt’s dismay. Enter Doc Holliday a hundred some odd years later, we see him thrust into a whirlwind of precarious missions alongside Wynonna to defeat the evil held within the Ghost River Triangle.
Why does Wynonna Earp need to be on TV?
The need for positive representation is a must have in today’s media and television. Wynonna Earp exhibits issues like overcoming depression as well as unleashing the tools to fight that all too real voice in your head that screams “You’re not good enough”.
Character pairings as far as #wayhaught give such fervor and life to all of us at home and is a breath of fresh air to witness two of the most undeniably strong and passionate hearts find their way to each other time and time again.
How do you watch your Wynonna Earp?
I watch on the SyFy network and seasons 1 and 2 are currently on Netflix. Eagerly awaiting the completed season 3 to be uploaded to Netflix (US).
What’s your favorite online place to meet other fans of Wynonna Earp?
I haven’t met any other fans yet! I plan to in the next couple of weeks at ClexaCon 2019 in Las Vegas.
What do you dislike about your Wynonna Earp?
Let’s talk about how filming has been suspended for season 4 & 5! The #FightForWynonna rages on Twitter and other various platforms of social media to strive for the continuation of “Our little shitshow”.
What do you dislike about the Wynonna Earp fandom?
Not a damn thing.
If you could change anything about Wynonna Earp, what would it be?
Never! So perfect in so many ways, this is why we need it back!
Who is your favorite character?
Oh hell’s bells that would probably be a tie between Doc and Wynonna. Their banter back and forth is absolutely hilarious, not to mention Doc’s eloquent way of speaking as he is over 100 years old and things were very different!
What was your favorite episode so far?
My favorite episode as of right now is probably Season 3 Episode 9 “Undo it”.
What do you hope will eventually happen in Wynonna Earp?
So! The end of season 3 left us all with a HUGE cliffhanger. Poor Waverly is dragged up a winding stone staircase into the “garden” after leaving us with a very touching and eagerly anticipated proposal between her and Sheriff Nicole.
Do we know what’s going to happen to her? No. Do we know how Nicole is doing now that the love of her life has been ripped away from her with no certainty that she’ll ever get her back? Do we know how Wynonna and Doc’s daughter is doing outside of the triangle? No. (Safe and happy, we hope.) In the words of Dominique Provost-Chalkley who plays Waverly, “We would just like to see it resolved.”
Who is your favorite actor/actress in the Wynonna Earp?
So many! Tim Rozon (Doc) is a hoot, I enjoyed seeing him play Massimo in Lost Girl as well, another show by the great Emily Andras.
What do you think of the showrunner?
Emily Andras is a saint and a genius. I believe with all my heart that she genuinely loves and cares about all of us here in the fandom. She wants us to be heard and she wants us to be loved.
Not only does she have a creative mind but she has the power and the platform to bring us these visually satisfying shows like Lost Girl and Wynonna Earp. I am so thankful for her and I cannot wait to meet her and shake her hand one week from today in Las Vegas for ClexaCon.
Have you made friends in the fandom?
I have made so many wonderful friends. I am looking forward to meeting a lot of them in a week’s time! Fun side note: My birthday is on the 13th, which is during ClexaCon this year and I have rounded up several other Earpers who share the same birthday and we are meeting during the convention. Excited!
How did you make friends?
I was sent an invite to join the Wynonna Earp Fans and Tales of the Black Badge Fans facebook group about two years ago…? If I can remember correctly. We are a big family of crazy fun loving fans of the show and the actors.
Have you attended any fandom events? Which ones?
I will be attending ClexaCon 2019 in Las Vegas, Nevada! This will be my first convention ever. I entered a giveaway run by Kevin Bachelder (The Wynonna Earp Fans and Tales of the Black Badge Fans facebook group runner along with Bonnie Ferrar) to win a ticket to ClexaCon and I won one!
I was so excited I called my best friend and screamed. She had no idea what I was talking about but was happy for me. Actually, as I type this, I am showing her the first few episodes of season 1, spreading that Wynonna Earp gospel! I will be attending ClexaCon this year with my girlfriend, who is also a fan.
How did the show get you through dark times?
The show is great for so many reasons, I find comfort watching episodes that highlight witty banter and more of an uplifting tone. They bring me out of my funk. It brings me up when I’m down.
How did the fandom support you in times of need?
Not only does the show lift my spirits but the fandom is CRAZY inclusive and so wonderful to be a part of. We have so many brilliant minds and creative talent, we NEVER give up and we always win because we fight tooth and nail for what we believe in.
Have you ever read fanfiction from members of the fandom?
I haven’t read any fiction written about Wynonna Earp just yet, I am too swamped with so many other fictions I am currently reading from other fandoms but I know for a fact that there are tons of great fics out there written by great fans.
If your show was cancelled, what lengths would you go to save your show?
This is where the hashtag #FightForWynonna comes into play! The show is currently on hold because of budgeting issues within the publishing company known as IDW Entertainment. Filming for season 4 (which we were already promised) should have commenced more than a month ago.
I would say the effort to put “our little shitshow” back on course would range into the thousands, thousands of people using the hashtags “FightForWynonna” and “Wynonna Earp” on twitter along with tagging the various entities such as the SyFy network, IDW publishing and Netflix every single day since the news came out that production had come to a halt because of the financial situation that the show has found itself in.
Don’t let that lead you away from the fact that Wynonna Earp sells!
Fans have gone to lengths such as purchasing billboards in Times Square in New York, otherwise known as “Earp Square”, day-in and day-out to spread the word, to save our show. It hasn’t even been cancelled but we are relentless. Last I heard during a panel at Emerald City Comic Con (viewed via YouTube)that there had been (so far) 60+ billboards put up in Times Square.
Billboards that fans had paid for, and even some that the cast paid for themselves! Katherine Barrell who plays the fiery “Sheriff Nicole Haught” contributed, as well as showrunner Emily Andras and Melanie Scrofano who plays our leading lady “Wynonna Earp” herself purchased billboards themselves, to join the fight!
Not to mention the HUGE billboard that an anonymous fan from Texas (my great state) paid for along Melrose Avenue in Los Angeles that Katherine Barrell (Sheriff Nicole Haught) and Varun Saranga (Jeremy Chetri) wandered all the way out to take a look at and take pictures in front of.
The most creative of our fandom have gone out of their way to make stickers, buttons, bumper stickers, t-shirts and all sorts of cool things to help in our #FightForWynonna.
What lengths will you go to save your show?
We’ve campaigned for our show to win as many awards as possible. For instance, the most recent being getting our “angel” Waverly Earp (Dominique Provost-Chalkley) up on stage at the Canadian Screen Awards to win the Cogeco Fund Audience Choice Award, with success!
Before that, Earpers around the world worked tirelessly to not only write-in our show to be listed as a nominee for Best Sci-Fi and Fantasy show of 2018 in the People’s Choice Awards, but we went on to win it, beating out favorites like Supernatural and Shadowhunters. We weren’t even officially nominated until the flood of our write-in votes came pouring in.
This meant scrolling down the category listing and typing in the words “Wynonna Earp” over and over again until we ran out of daily votes. I remember how time consuming it was, I did it every single day until we were put in the running as actual nominees. We won. I think, personally, that might have been when the cast sort of realized just how much the show means to everyone.
In short, the world deserves a show like Wynonna Earp.
Is there a charity that your fandom is supporting? Which one?
I don’t know of which charities specifically but I do know that we are some of the most generous and kind hearted people on the planet and that there are many efforts and charities, local and abroad, that we contribute to.
How has your fandom helped support that charity?
One endeavor I have personally taken part is the “Start the Wave” movement coined by none other than Dominique Provost-Chalkley herself (who plays Waverly Earp). It is a huge effort to spread awareness of plastic waste as well as healthy living.
Dominique shared in her interview with well-known podcaster and group admin for the Wynonna Earp Fans and Tales of the Black Badge Fans facebook group Kevin Bachelder that one day on set she set her mind to figuring out just how many plastic water bottles were consumed during filming of a regular season for a show and it was some astronomically high number nearing a quarter of a million empty plastic water bottles, if I remember correctly. That’s NUTS.
She went on to contact Canadian business owner Sandy Costa about entering in a joint effort of spreading wellness and “green living” products to her fans. Green’s Your Colour, Inc offers a variety of really cool products but the ones that jump out are the insulated water bottles.
They come in many different styles and sizes, I recently purchased a “lovely lilac” 350ml water bottle and am eagerly awaiting having it signed by Dom during my trip to ClexaCon in less than a week.
Dominique runs the “StarttheWave” instagram page where she posts info on how to live a cleaner, healthier life and how to protect our planet, as well as cut down on waste and I believe truly that it is a very important message to her, therefore it is an important message for all of us in the fandom.
She has the most wonderful, brilliantly splendid attitude about peace and kindness, and I feel that she is one of the most remarkable people I have ever known of. I can’t wait to meet her and thank her.
Do you have anything else to add?
Just that when I retired to stay at home with my two dogs and become a homemaker, I felt really out of place and “out of my element” I guess you could say. I worked as a commercial department head for auto part retailers here in Texas and it was a very demanding job, mentally and physically.
I loved it, it’s what fueled my fire so to speak, and I was very passionate about it (and hell I was good too) but I noticed I had begun to not take care of myself. Working 65+ hours a week with only one day off was not good for my body, and I had been doing it for years.
I made a family for myself along the way with a girlfriend I love very much and she suggested I stay at home and actually get to “live a life” while she works. We are well taken care of and I have absolutely everything I could ever want and I could not be more thankful for her and the opportunity to actually wear real people clothes instead of a work uniform and sit in an office all day.
A few weeks into my “retirement” I started to realize CRAP, I’m bored! Is this what “bored” is? Oh my gosh! What do I do? Enter Wynonna Earp. This following, this fandom, has given me back my lifeblood and my passion again. I’m finally free to live my life and to do things that I actually want to do and I have this super crazy fun fandom to be a part of and I could not be any happier.
I believe in something with all of my heart, I believe in what the show represents and what it fights against, I believe in the cast, I believe in the fans, this fandom is the most amazing thing I have ever been lucky enough to be a part of and I wish I could convince the entire world just how incredible it all is. Love always wins.
Wynonna Earp fan
When did you start watching Wynonna Earp?
3 years ago
What drew you to the show?
I saw clips of Wayhaught on youtube and being a lesbian, it intrigued me. I started watching it for that reason, but fell in love with full show, every dynamic.
What about the show makes it so special?
The girl power that is represented in the show. Most shows don’t show many badass female characters, but this one does and they all do an amazing job with it.
What special issues does your show emphasize?
Why does your show need to be on TV?
Because it’s not over
How do you watch your show?
Right now…netflix and google play. but Syfy channel
What’s your favorite online place to meet other fans of your show?
What do you dislike about your show?
That season 4 hasn’t started yet
What do you dislike about your fandom?
If you could change anything about your show, what would it be?
It would continue for years
Who is your favorite character?
Waverly and Nicole
What was your favorite episode so far?
What do you hope will eventually happen in your show?
Wayhaught wedding and Waverly comes out of the Garden unharmed and Nicole is found.
Who is your favorite actor/actress in the show?
Katherine Barrell
What do you think of the showrunner?
She’s amazing
Have you made friends in the fandom?
A few
How did you make friends? (IRL, online, or a mix of both)
mix of both
Have you attended any fandom events? Which ones?
Not yet, school and work keep me busy, but I want to
How did the show get you through dark times?
The laughter and friendship that they have in there. It’s helped me believe that there is a light at the end of the tunnel
If your show was cancelled, what lengths would you go to save your show?
I would do everything in my power to save this show.
Do you have anything else to add?
I miss this show, they story isn’t over yet. There’s still more to be told.
When did you start watching Wynonna Earp?
December 2018
What drew you to the show?
It was suggested to me by friends via comments on my Facebook posts.
What about the show makes it so special?
The relationship between the Earp sisters (Wynonna and Waverly) is relatable to me as the youngest of four siblings. My sister and I are as different as night and day and seeing the relationship between the Earp sisters gave me a new appreciation for my own sister, despite our differences. I have also never related to a character as much as I do to Waverly Earp and it’s a blessing to be able to identify with characters in this way.
What special issues does your show emphasize?
This show has the most realistic and respectful LGBTQI representation I have ever seen in a show and I do watch many shows. The Waverly/Nicole relationship was not rushed and the characters are much needed for young LGBTQI individuals to be able to have their stories told.
I would have loved such quality representation that does not make overuse of stereotypes as a young queer women in my teens. Therefore I support it fully for today’s queer youth to know that they matter.
Why does your show need to be on TV?
This show features strong female characters and quality LGBTQI representation. It further shows us that we can be ourselves in a world that often asks us to change in order to fit in.
How do you watch your show?
I started on Netflix but now watch the Blu-ray discs.
What’s your favorite online place to meet other fans of your show?
Twitter and Facebook
What do you dislike about your show?
Absolutely nothing.
What do you dislike about your fandom?
Nothing, we are like a family more than a fandom.
If you could change anything about your show, what would it be?
Who is your favorite character?
Nicole Haught
What was your favorite episode so far?
Season 1 episode 9
What do you hope will eventually happen in your show?
The Waverly/Nicole (WayHaught) wedding.
Who is your favorite actor/actress in the show?
Dominique Provost-Chalkley
What do you think of the showrunner?
Emily Andras is an amazing showrunner and writer. She has such respect for LGBTQI issues and it is much needed. It shows through her work and she needs to be able to continue doing what she does.
Have you made friends in the fandom?
Yes a large number of friends
How did you make friends? (IRL, online, or a mix of both)
Have you attended any fandom events? Which ones?
None yet, but hoping to go to EHCon in Canada in 2020
How did the show get you through dark times?
I was in a deep state of depression prior to watching the show and suffering from anxiety. The show gave me the courage to carry on and made me realise that just being myself is good enough.
How did the fandom support you in times of need?
My Earper friends encourage me in my studies on a daily basis. Like I said: We are more like a family than a fandom.
Have you ever read fanfiction from members of the fandom?
Yes and wrote some of my own.
What’s your favorite piece of fanfiction that you have read from the fandom?
“The Grind” by Odaatlover on Archive of our Own
If your show was cancelled, what lengths would you go to save your show?
I would Tweet daily and get Earpers to submit content for fan videos to show how large and committed the fanbase is. I would also buy official merchandise to support the show financially.
What lengths will you go to save your show?
There is a video on YouTube titled “Fight For Wynonna All Over the World” that was put together by myself and a fellow Earper, we received a number of #FightForWynonna pictures from fans around the world for the video. The aim was to showcase how widespread the fanbase is and how much the show means to people.
I also Tweet about #FightForWynonna on a daily basis and voted for Dominique Provost-Chalkley for the Canadian screen awards daily so that she could win and show that we (the fans) would do anything for the cast of our show.
Is there a charity that your fandom is supporting? Which one?
The cast of our show support a number of charities and fans create fundraisers for charities for the cast members’ birthdays. The Fandom also participates in a number of community service projects around the world.
How has your fandom helped support that charity?
There was a fundraiser for the Toronto Humane Society for Katherine Barrell’s (Nicole Haught) birthday and one for UNICEF for Dominique Provost-Chalkley’s (Waverly Earp) birthday, both set up by fans and both these fundraisers surpassed their goal amounts.
The cast and fandom of Wynonna Earp are equally committed to kindness and creating a better world.
Do you have anything else to add?
This show is very much needed in this world, because of it’s positive representation and because it appeals to the humanity of a fanbase committed, along with the cast, to making positive change in the world. Wynonna Earp is so much more than a show, it is a lifestyle and the Earper fandom is more like a family that includes the cast/crew and showrunner.
What drew you to the show?
Netflix suggested it
What about the show makes it so special?
The strong female characters and the cast bond
What special issues does your show emphasize?
A little of everything
How do you watch your show?
What’s your favorite online place to meet other fans of your show?
What do you dislike about your show?
Who is your favorite character?
All of them
Have you attended any fandom events? Which ones?
No but i wish to someday.
When did you start watching Wynonna Earp?
Over 2 years ago
What drew you to the show?
I saw a short clip on YouTube about the show and instantly hooked. Searched for the show in Australia and when I found it, watched all of season 1, hooked and wanted more
What about the show makes it so special?
Positive representation of the lgbtq+ community and just how real the relationships, feelings and apart from the supernatural storyline, but the storylines of the shows characters and their interactions
What special issues does your show emphasize?
Positive representation of lgbtq+ and diversity of race and cultures
Why does your show need to be on TV?
It’s important to not only myself but to many other fans of the show and the fan base and those that the show effects can only grow. Also the cast, they are amazing and give us so much not only on the screen but also off the screen
How do you watch your show?
Netflix and DVD
What’s your favorite online place to meet other fans of your show?
What do you dislike about your show?
Nothing really. The whole show is amazing, it’s basically faultless
What do you dislike about your fandom?
Some of the negativity
If you could change anything about your show, what would it be?
More episodes per season
Who is your favorite character?
What was your favorite episode so far?
Too many but 3×6
What do you hope will eventually happen in your show?
That we get more #wayhaught and they get married (in time of cause)
We get to see what happened to Waverly and the garden of eden
Who is your favorite actor/actress in the show?
Dominique Provost – Chalkley
What do you think of the showrunner?
She is AMAZING. Super talented and super supportive of the lgbtq+ community
Have you made friends in the fandom?
How did you make friends? (IRL, online, or a mix of both)
On twitter groups then meet ups
Have you attended any fandom events? Which ones?
Not wynonna earp ones but I did go to SupaNova a couple of years back when Melanie Scrofano came out to Australia
How did the show get you through dark times?
Gave me something to believe and get lost in.
How did the fandom support you in times of need?
Had someone to talk to about my struggles
Have you ever read fanfiction from members of the fandom?
What’s your favorite piece of fanfiction that you have read from the fandom?
“Open Range Hearts”
If your show was cancelled, what lengths would you go to save your show?
Post LOTS on twitter tagging associated accounts in every post. Tell more people about the show and then get to watch the show