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3 Common Causes of House Fires

House fires are devastating. You can never know when a tragedy like that will strike. So, it is extremely important to know what the causes of house fires are, and why they occur. It is also important to make sure that you have a plan in the event that there is a house fire in your home. Rexburg fire damage wants to help you if there is ever a fire in your home. They will help you through the restoration process in a timely manner so that you can get back into your daily life. In this article, we will be discussing three of the most common causes of housefires so that you can be aware of what could potentially cause a house fire in your home.

Cooking Fires

The most common type of house fire starts in the kitchen. This can either happen from an oven that is left on, or a flammable material being left close to the stove which then will result in a fire. It is important to take precautions when you are in the kitchen. You can keep things under control by making sure that items are clear from the stove. You can also take preventative measures by making sure that you turn off the oven after you are done cooking. You can also make sure that you do not leave the oven unattended. If you are able to make sure that you take these precautions, that will greatly lessen the chances that there is a kitchen fire. You need to be very careful when cooking in order to be safe in the kitchen to prevent fires.

Heating Equipment

Another common cause of house fires is old heating equipment. It is so important to make sure that you replace your old space heaters with ones that will turn off automatically when they start to overheat. This will prevent them from getting too hot to help prevent fires. It is also important to make sure that you are getting your furnaces and chimneys checked by professionals to make sure that everything is safe in your home. This will help prevent fires from occurring. It is also important to make sure that your fireplaces have a sturdy screen. This will help prevent fires from occurring in your home.

Electrical Fires

Electrical fires are a really common cause of house fires. In order to prevent them from happening, you will want to make sure that your home is inspected by a professional electrician. This will help you make sure that all of your electrical systems in your home are working properly and that there are no issues that could potentially start a fire. It is also important to make sure that if you ever need any electrical work done in your home, that you use a professional, certified electrician. Making sure that all of your electrical work is done by a professional electrician will help prevent electrical fires from happening in your home.


House fires are no joke and are something that no one should ever go through. In order to prevent them from happening, it is important to make sure that you know what common causes of house fires are so that you can take the appropriate steps to prevent them from happening to you in the future. 

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