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Bigg Boss 17: Where Strategy and ‘Dimaag’ Combine with Glance Integration

“Dimaag+Strategy” is the key to triumph just like Glance+Big Boss 17. Yes, this year, at Big Boss house, strategy and ‘Dimaag’ combine with Glance integration. Are you a religious follower of Bigg Boss? It might be time to start using the Glance smart lock screen. Why? Many reasons. But, the first is, being on top of the ongoing game, beating those news outlets to the news, updates, and much more. Glance smart lock screen, as the name speaks, is smart. But, this Bigg Boss season, it’ll make you smarter. How? With all Glance and its features have to offer.

Do you know? Even the contestants will be using Glance and its updates. Rumors are that the ex-contestants are jealous that they don’t get to use that giant Glance lock screen, installed in the house of strategy in Big Boss 17. But, you don’t have to be, you might not be the contestant, but, you will not feel left out. There’s so much Glance offers to keep you connected with your favorite live reality TV show! To learn more about Glance in Bigg Boss, read the article below.

Mastering ‘Dimaag+Strategy’: Your Path to Bigg Boss 17 with Glance

This year Bigg Boss is strategic. Not that the contestants weren’t before. But, this year Bigg Boss is strategic too. There will not be “one rule for everyone.” With Glance lock screen in the mix, Bigg Boss wants to play too. Bigg Boss will have his favorites in the house. And what do favorites get? Favor. Getting favor from the owner of the house, seems like they are in for a treat.

But, what will this favor be? It will be the tips and updates.  or all, who knows? Will get to access them. Time will be the storyteller. In Bigg Boss 17, these contestants will have an upper hand. Poor left-out contestants. They have a lot to tackle with Bigg Boss’ “Dimaag” and Glance’s Strategy. How, Where, and Why? Find in the sections below.

(Alt Text : Keep yourself updated about Bigg Boss 17 with Glance )

Glance Integration Unleashed: Transforming Bigg Boss 17 Experience

Glance has continued to be useful for its four years of existence, and moving forward will show the same zeal. How? By making experiences smart. With its integration with Bigg Boss 17, Glance has the same vision. Compel Bigg Boss viewers to say, “Ye smart hai boss!”

This year Bigg Boss will host “The House of Strategy.” And that’s where Glance comes in. There at the “The House of Strategy,” will be a huge smartphone with a Glance smart lock screen. Contestants will be allowed to access it. But, only a select few, handpicked by Bigg Boss. They will get on the Glance smart lock screen— tips, updates, and news. Don’t worry, nothing from the outside world, just everything important from the Bigg Boss 17 house. Now, are you worried about being left out? Don’t be. Glance has many things for YOU — the Viewers. Keep reading to find out more.

Glance and Bigg Boss 17: Stay Ahead with Instant Updates and Insights

Have you ever been frustrated at the news portals with a lot to claim but a little to give? Like they say, “Why <this contestant> will win this year’s Bigg Boss. But nothing is backing their claims nor any incidents from the show either.

Imagine those days and then glance at your Glance smart lock screen. You can smile. You will not have to keep up with fluffs this Bigg Boss season. Glance has taken it upon itself to bring you all the news and updates on Bigg Boss 17. On the Glance lock screen, there will be updates on the second-to-second drama that unfolds in Bigg Boss 17.

You will not miss out on anything with Glance news, updates, live shows daily, and the buzz section. Are you excited? Then learn more about Glance and Bigg Boss here.

(Alt text: BiggBoss and Glance : Smart Duo)

Inside the Bigg Boss 17 House: Contestants Embrace Glance for Smart Strategies 

Contestants on Bigg Boss have always been smart with their tactics. No one doubts that. But, in Bigg Boss 17, they will be smarter with Glance; for getting smart strategies. Anyone plotting behind their backs might have to pay back, sooner than later. It won’t be Salman breaking the news, it will be Glance smart lock screen. But, not to everyone because, “Par ye game nahi hoga sub k liye same to same.”

So, while the contestants embrace Bigg Boss’s bias, do you know what are the thoughts of the ex-contestants? We have you covered in the section below.

Glance Envy: Ex-Contestants and the Giant Glance Lock Screen of Bigg Boss 17 

There’s a Glance of envy circulating among all the Bigg Boss ex-contestants. Why do you think is that? It’s the giant smartphone in “The House of Strategy.” Well, with Glance and its Glancified tips, even the current Bigg Boss 17 contestants are jealous. No, not the ones who get the tips, but the ones who don’t. Fair enough.

Seems like the Glance smart lock screen is in demand. Have you got a hold on yours?

Glance Connects: Real-Time Fan Engagement in Bigg Boss 17 Universe 

See. When you think of Bigg Boss. You sure think about discussions. Discussions about who’s right, and who’s wrong. Discussions about who stirred the drama. Was it your favourite contest or was it your brother’s? Or friends?

But, what if you can get your answers and engage on a much bigger platform? Sounds fun, doesn’t it? In Bigg Boss 17, Glance smart lock screen is ready to be that platform. Every Bigg Boss fan is already hooked. Some are participating in quizzes, and some in polls. Everyone is ready to engage. There are even contests with some amazing surprises. Find out more here.

So, what’s the wait for? Enable your Glance smart lock screen now and see the magic unfold.

To quickly turn on Glance, follow the below instructions:

Open Settings—Display— Enable Glance.

lets put as some lucky contestants will get or all..lets see @rashi

I have changed it. Although there is a narrative going that Bigg Boss will indeed favour a select few. Maybe the selected will keep changing so this works I guess.

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