HomePosts Tagged "2018 Golden Globes"

2018 Golden Globes Tag


With such widespread reach, the #MeToo movement was the perfect opportunity to make a fast buck and – in addition to 'The Silence Breaker' – we’ve already seen

The 2018 Santa Barbara International Film Festival (SBIFF) is a testament to the best performances of the past year in cinema. Gary Oldman, hot on the heels off

Actor & director James Franco (The Disaster Artist) has been accused of sexually inappropriate and exploitative behavior by five women. These fresh allegations contribute to the mounting case

As the Golden Globes hype train teeters off into the distance for another year, the word in Hollywood’s mouth has swiftly changed towards its main event: the Oscars.

Another awards show has come and gone. Such a delight to watch every film you care about lose out, and all the mediocrity get celebrated! Awards shows obviously

The 75th year of Golden Globes marked Hollywood’s most prominent public ceremony since the sexual harassment scandal broke in October. Overall, this year’s event wasn’t exactly anticipated to