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Alan Van Sprang Tag


We can't get enough of Clary & Jace (Dominic Sherwood) from 'Shadowhunters'. Test your Clace knowledge with our 2nd quiz dedicated to this amazing 'ship.

Shadowfam, do you want a season 4? Here are all the reasons why we are still fighting to save 'Shadowhunters'.

'Shadowhunters' had lots of twists and turns. Take a look back at Maryse Lightwood and her fascinating character arc.

We all loved to watch ‘Shadowhunters’. Let’s revisit the most iconic moments involving Valentine and Jonathan.

Being a vampire is a challenge, and Simon Lewis (Alberto Rosende) is no exception. His journey on 'Shadowhunters' proves he's the best worst vampire ever.

Magnus Bane (Harry Shum Jr.) is a centuries-old warlock with a whole lot of flair on the television show 'Shadowhunters'. Here are his best moments.

We dedicate time to the unheralded scary side of one of the best couples ever on TV: Malec’s spookiest moments from 'Shadowhunters' with Harry Shum Jr.

'Shadowhunters' having part-Downworlder babies? Harry Shum Jr heartbroken? Delve into our episode of 'The Real Housewives of Idris'!

What could our wacky Shadowhunters & Downworlders be up to this time? The latest from 'Shadowhunters' 'The Real Housewives of Idris' with Isaiah Mustafa.