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Amy Sherman-Palladino Tag


Despite one immense cliffhanger, season 2 of 'Gilmore Girls: A Year in the Life' is still uncertain. See what the creator & cast have to say about season

For those of us who grew up watching 'Gilmore Girls', the reboot was a much-needed closure. Was 'A Year in the Life' a huge disappointment?

Quotes from Amy Sherman-Palladino’s 'The Marvelous Mrs, Maisel' truly sparkle. Here are the best, delivered by the equally marvelous cast.

Will there be a sequel to 'Gilmore Girls: A Year in the Life'? Discover why the cast might not be able to return to Stars Hollow.

Reboots have run rampant across the TV landscape lately. Here are eleven of the most recent and notable TV reboots ranked from worst to best.

Having emerged bleary-eyed from our binge session of 'The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel'’s season 3, we only have one question. Will there be a S4? Let's find out.

Without further ado, here’s everything you need to know about all the behind-the-scenes women receiving Emmy nominations this year.

Women are on the rise – did you know they actually make up the majority of the population on planet Earth? Here are all the new shows coming