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Anthony Russo Tag


So, how's that Magic the Gathering adaptation coming, Netflix? Step into the arena and try to find answers to this burning question with us.

Liquid Media Group is acquiring two indie film streaming services: Filmocracy and iGEMStv. Dive deeper into the merger and what it means for you here.

Are the Russo brothers, renowned MCU directors, receiving generous funds from terrorist organizations? Delve into the rumors right here.

Marvel actor Christ Pratt has been accused of supporting homophobic churches. Here's a look at the accusations.

Marvel’s 'Avengers: Infinity War' is everything fans dreamed of – and superhero cynics dreaded. The verdict? 'Avengers: Infinity War' totally rules.

Last year epic superhero flick 'Avengers: Infinity War' came out. Here’s why the film itself has left little to be desired for the MCU fandom.

The Russo brothers are set to team up with Oscar-nominated director Henry Selick on a television adaptation of video game Little Nightmares. Joe Russo and Anthony Russo will develop