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Season 4 will mark the end of USA Network's 'The Sinner', starring Bill Pullman. Why is the crime show being canceled despite positive reviews?

Just when he thought he was out . . . they pulled him back in! Seems like detective Harry Ambrose’s fate is to forever continue delving waist-deep into

'It's a Wonderful Life' is a holiday classic. Now it's getting rebooted with a new cast. Find out who's in it!

Here are ten of David Lynch’s best movies ranked from “fairly well loved from the get-go” to “immediately despised and possibly still so”.

In anticipation of Fangoria’s new dark comedy 'Satanic Panic', It's time to rank our eight favorite weirdest pizza moments in movie history.

After weighing the pros and cons of some of David Lynch’s most iconic characters, we’ve whittled down 21 and ranked them from least to most boneable.

The third season of USA Network’s 'The Sinner' begins Thursday, February 6th, and lovers of the show have a lot to look forward to. Here's what we know.

Over the past four decades, David Lynch has continued to write his own compositions and collaborate with musicians and sound experts.

David Lynch pursues strange love connections to this day. Here are seven of our absolute favorite Lynchian couples ever depicted on screen.