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Bingewatch Awards Tag


'American Horror Story' is a Ryan Murphy masterpiece. We're here to tell you why AHSFans deserve the Bingewatch Award for Best Fandom. Vote now!

'Shadowhunters' is gone but not forgotten thanks to the committed Shadowfam. Here's why they deserve your votes for best fandom in our Bingewatch Awards.

In the Bingewatch Award for Best Series Finale of 2019, 'Shadowhunters' led with over 30,000 votes, while 'The OA' and 'Jane the Virgin' came in 2nd & 3rd.

'Wynonna Earp' fans drive home the point that the Earpers absolutely deserve the Bingewatch Award for Best Fandom.

If you love 'Good Omens' and the Ineffables, here are all the reasons why you should vote for it as Best Fandom in the Bingewatch Awards.

The Bingewatch Awards poll for Best Cancelled Sci-fi/Fantasy Show has shown us that if we come together, there's no telling what fandoms can resurrect.

One fandom rises from the deep and crowns itself as king of the fandoms: the 'Lucifer' fandom, more commonly referred to as Lucifans. Vote for them now!

We summon the almighty and powerful Marvel fandom to team up and conquer another Bingewatch Awards poll – this time for Greatest Marvel Movie of All Time.

'Timeless' is up for Best Cancelled Sci-Fi/Fantasy TV Show in our Bingewatch Awards. Clockblockers: it's time to prove your dedication!