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Canada Tag


Online casinos are more popular than ever. Discover the best online casinos to visit in Canada 2021.

Are you stuck thinking about a plot for your next casino movie? Why not write a story about online casinos? See how this setting can work in your

The complete guide on how to improve your chances of winning big if you live in Canada and player poker games online for real money.

What's up with the recent UFO sightings in Canada? Discover why there's been an uptick in strange activity in the night skies and if it will continue.

Are Canadians flooding 911 call centers with reports of a real UFO sighting? Learn if the truth is out there.

Whilst those in power talk about getting back to a new normal, I take a look in this article at how the sporting industry will cope.

Trust us, the problem at the core of "Buttergate" is a lot more serious than the name would lead you to believe. Learn all about the Canadian crisis!

The truth behind the phrase "Starlight Tours" is a lot less magical than it may sound. Here's the tragic story behind the "tours" that led to death.

‘Shadowhunters’ lives on. Revisit the show’s terrific ensemble cast and iconic portal destinations.