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Darren Aronofsky Tag


Believe it or not, Hollywood star Natalie Portman is turning the big 4-0 today! Celebrate her milestone with us by watching her best movies now!

Are you a fan of actress Jennifer Lawrence? Join us as we look at some of Jennifer Lawrence's most underrated movies.

Guess who's back and better than ever? Beloved actor Brendan Fraser is ready to capture our hearts in his new film 'The Whale'. Read all the deets here.

Need that Zendaya fix in 2021? The trailer for 'Malcolm and Marie' will give you give you a Zendaya-induced euphoria of your very own.

Sebastián Lelio’s 'Disobedience' is just the start. To keep you topped up on sapphic sex, here’s our ranking of the ten best lesbian love scenes in film.

Here are the most thought-provoking speculative fan theories from over the years, ranked from the amusingly silly to the staggeringly believable.

Get yourself in the mood for a real good apocalypse party by watching our ranking of the ten eeriest end-of-the-world scenes in movie history.

From the dark ‘Black Swan’ to the epic ‘Noah’ to last year’s trippy ‘mother!’, these are the most divisive moments of Darren Aronofsky's entire career.

While 'Heroin(e)' offers a candid look into addiction, filmmakers have been producing films about of drugs, highs, and addiction for some time.