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El Chapo Tag


How many wives did El Chapo have? Only one, and she's now on trial for numerous offenses linked to his cartel. Delve deeper into the story right now.

El Chapo's wife has been arrested for drug charges, but US officials think she was involved with his 2015 escape. Dive into this latest twist.

El Chapo is trying to leave prison again, this time legally. Delve into the appeals his lawyers are making on his behalf now.

R. Kelly is trying to get anonymous judges for his upcoming trial, but he's doing it only to benefit himself. This news isn't a surprise though.

You know the story of 'Queen of the South'. But do you know the story of the true queen, from the Sinaloa Cartel?

Even if you’ve paid the barest attention to the news, you’ve probably heard of El Chapo. Here's the story involving his son, wife, and capture.

While we wait for international cocaine trafficking 'ZeroZeroZero', here’s a ranking of the most addictive shows and movies about cocaine.