HomePosts Tagged "film festivals"

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The Wild7Films Team Made Waves For Themselves at Cannes Film Festival 2023 With multiple projects in development and offered for distribution in the international sales market, Wild7Films co-founders, Actor/Producer

More and more people are looking for stylish yet comfortable ways to dress up for film festivals. Here are the best styling tips for cinema lovers!

There are several pros to filming in a studio than there are cons! Here's why filming on location pales in comparison!

FilmocracyFest's film market event came back with its second edition, bringing industry professionals and talent together. Here's all you need to know.

Event Horizon Films collaborates with film festivals to help find aspiring screenwriters. Learn more about Event Horizon here.

The Brainwash Movie Drive-in/Bike-in/Walk-in Festival is one of the most unique opportunities for indie filmmakers. But submissions are coming to a close!

The New Voices Short Film Festival was made for new film makers. If you've been looking for a festival to show your debut picture, this is the festival

We turn our spotlight to some of the best LGBTQI film festivals, so we now look at the best advocacy groups for LGBTQI filmmakers to find funding.

Getting a press pass as a blogger is relatively simple, but there are a number tricks you need to know about before approaching a film festival press team.